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Using the Zoom Control Window in TAdvGDIPChartView

TMS Advanced Charts also comes with a GDI+ version of TAdvChartView and adds extra features such as a special zoom control window.

The zoom control window allows the user to navigate through the chart and always displays the complete chart range by default. There are 2 handles that can be dragged left or right representing the RangeFrom and RangeTo of the Chart. The zoom control appearance can be customized in the GDI+ Panes Editor Dialog.

When you start the application, the zoomcontrol window will be empty. Therefore it is important to link the series by setting the SerieType property of TAdcChartSerie. The SerieType property specifies how and what series from the series collection of the chart is used on the zoomcontrol.

stNormal: This is the default value, the series will not be visible in the zoom control window.
stZoomControl: The series will only be displayed in the zoom control window.
stBoth: The series will be displayed in the zoom control window and as a normal series.

By default the chart will be automatically updated when changing the range. The property AutoUpdate can be changed to update immediate, upon release of the mouse button, or no automatic update. When no automatic update is set, you can use the 3 events below:

OnZoomControlRangeChanged: Event triggered when Range is updated after mouse button release
OnZoomControlRangeChanging: Event triggered when Range is updated when mouse is moving
OnZoomControlSelection: Event triggered when Range is updated after dragging the Selection area between the range from and range to.