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Linking a TAdvChartView with a TAdvStringGrid

TAdvChartLink is a non-visual component and links a TAdvChartView with a TAdvStringGrid component. Please note that TAdvStringGrid is not included in TMS Advanced Charts. It is separately available at

To start, drop a TAdvChartLink, TAdvChartView, TAdvStringGrid component on the form and set the Chartview and Grid properties in the TAdvChartLink component. To Edit the TAdvStringGrid set the goEditing property true in the Options set. The TAdvChartLink component has several properties. First the active property must be set true. To tell the TAdvChartLink which column in the grid will be used to display the data you must select an option from the DataType property.
For example select dtFullColumn. Then run the project and type your values in the first column of the grid. While typing, the chart will be updated.
