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Applying a 3D effect to chart series

It is possible to apply a 3D effect on the chart serie. This effect can be customized with a 3D Offset property. This is a property that controls the depth of the 3D view. In code, the equivalent to do this is:
AdvChartView.Panes[PaneIndex].Series[SerieIndex].3D := true; 
AdvChartView.Panes[PaneIndex].Series[SerieIndex].3DOffset := 20;
Not all chart types support the 3D view. Below is a list of chart types which implement the 3D effect.

- ctLine
- ctStackedBar & ctNormalBar
- ctStackedArea & ctNormalArea
- ctBand
- ctLineHistogram
- ctLineBar
- ctStackedPercentagebar
- ctStackedPercentageArea