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Changing the appearance of the message dialog

The message dialog can be fully customized for its 4 different elements:

- Buttons: The buttons have a separate appearance and can be formatted with a color, and opacity property. When a picture is needed to make the button more attractive use the picture and pictureposition property. The buttons can also be vertical or horizontal stacked depending on the type of message dialog needed.
The ButtonAreaFill property is used to fill the area of the buttons.

- Caption: The caption has a separate fill that is fully customizable. With the CaptionFont and CaptionPosition properties the caption text can be formatted.

- HTML: The HTML text has no separate Fill and is drawn directly on the message dialog.The HTML text can be customized in a separate dialog. With the OnAnchorClick event you can call a ShellExecute to open the URL.
procedure TForm1.AdvSmoothMessageDialog1AnchorClick(Sender: TObject; Anchor: string); 
- Background Fill: The background fill of the message dialog is the fill behind the caption, html and buttons and can be complete transparent giving many possibilities to the message dialog.