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TTMSFMXPlanner: How to show a bitmap at selection of a timeslot
TTMSFMXPlanner: How to show a bitmap at selection of a timeslot
You can add a bitmap at selection with the following code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXPlanner1.SelectionAppearance.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.None; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXPlanner1AfterDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRectF; ACol, ARow: Integer; AStartTime, AEndTime: TDateTime; APosition: Integer; AKind: TTMSFMXPlannerCacheItemKind); var bmp: TBitmap; begin if (ARow = TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Row) and (ACol = TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Col) then begin bmp := TBitmap.Create; bmp.LoadFromFile(''MyImage''); try ACanvas.DrawBitmap(bmp, RectF(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), RectF(ARect.Right - bmp.Width, ARect.Top + (ARect.Height - bmp.Height) / 2, ARect.Right, ARect.Top + (ARect.Height - bmp.Height) / 2 + bmp.Height), 1); finally bmp.Free; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXPlanner1BeforeDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRectF; ACol, ARow: Integer; AStartTime, AEndTime: TDateTime; APosition: Integer; AKind: TTMSFMXPlannerCacheItemKind; var AAllow, ADefaultDraw: Boolean); begin if (ARow >= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.StartCell.Row) and (ARow <= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Row) and (ACol >= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.StartCell.Col) and (Acol <= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Col) then begin ACanvas.Fill.Assign(TMSFMXPlanner1.SelectionAppearance.Fill); ACanvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; end; end;
TTMSFMXTileList: How to change the default color of the badge
TTMSFMXTileList: How to change the default color of the badge
You can change the default color with the following code:
procedure TForm1.TMSFMXTileList1CustomizeTileBadge(Sender: TObject; ATile: TTMSFMXTile; ATileBadge: TControl); var r: TControl; begin (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).NeedStyleLookup; (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).ApplyStyleLookup; r := (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).GetContent; if Assigned(r) then begin (r as TRoundRect).Fill.Color := claLimegreen; (r as TRoundRect).Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; (r as TRoundRect).Stroke.Color := claGreen; end; end;
Using a custom TAdvPanel class to insert panels in a TAdvPanelGroup
Using a custom TAdvPanel class to insert panels in a TAdvPanelGroup
By default, calling AdvPanelGroup.AddPanel will create and insert an instance of TCustomAdvPanel in the AdvPanelGroup. You can override this by setting the class to create via AdvPanelGroup1.PanelClass. Note that the class to be created must descend from TCustomAdvPanel.
This is a custom created TAdvPanel class that automatically adds a button the panel:
type TMyCustomPanel = class(TAdvPanel) private FButton: TButton; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Button: TButton read FButton; end; { TMyCustomPanel } constructor TMyCustomPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButton := TButton.Create(Self); FButton.Parent := Self; FButton.Top := 30; FButton.Left := 20; FButton.Caption := ''OK''; end; destructor TMyCustomPanel.Destroy; begin FButton.Free; inherited; end;
begin AdvPanelGroup1.PanelClass := TMyCustomPanel; AdvPanelGroup1.AddPanel; end;
Indicate progress of a process on the tab of a TAdvOfficePager
Indicate progress of a process on the tab of a TAdvOfficePager
This option saves space and indicates useful progress information to users when different processes are handled in different tabs. To enable progress on the tab, this can be configured via TAdvOfficePage.Progress:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin AdvOfficePager11.Caption := ''Tab with progress''; AdvOfficePager11.Progress.Visible := true; AdvOfficePager11.Progress.Position := 25; // set this to true to make tab also visible when it is not selected: AdvOfficePager1.ShowNonSelectedTabs := true; end;
The progress class has further properties to customize the progressbar colors / background colors.
TMS FlexCel for VCL & FMX
How to create an Excel file with a gradient in a cell, a protected sheet and an autofilter
How to create an Excel file with a gradient in a cell, a protected sheet and an autofilter
Excel files can be very complex, and guessing how to for example add a gradient to a cell, or protect a sheet, or add an autofilter can get difficult.
To make it easier, FlexCel provides a very useful tool named APIMate that can "convert" an Excel file into FlexCel code, for either Delphi or C++ Builder.
It works like this: You create a file in Excel, and open it in APIMate (without closing Excel). It will tell you the Delphi or C++ code needed to create the file. Then you can make changes in Excel, save the file, and press “Refresh” in APIMate (all without closing Excel). It will tell you the code you need to modify the file from the old state to the new one.
We are now in position to answer the question at the top of this section: How to create a file with a gradient in a cell, a protected sheet and an autofilter? I created a simple file with those things in Excel, and APIMate gives back this code:
procedure CreateFile(const xls: TExcelFile); var fmt: TFlxFormat; GradientStops: TArray<TGradientStop>; SheetProtectionOptions: TSheetProtectionOptions; begin xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2010); //Create a new Excel file with 3 sheets. //Set the names of the sheets xls.ActiveSheet := 1; xls.ActiveSheet := 1; //Set the sheet we are working in. //Global Workbook Options xls.OptionsCheckCompatibility := false; //Printer Settings xls.PrintXResolution := 600; xls.PrintYResolution := 600; xls.PrintOptions := [TPrintOptions.Orientation]; fmt := xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(3, 1); fmt.FillPattern.Pattern := TFlxPatternStyle.Gradient; SetLength(GradientStops, 2); GradientStops[0].Position := 0; GradientStops[0].Color := TExcelColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Background1); GradientStops[1].Position := 1; GradientStops[1].Color := TExcelColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1); fmt.FillPattern.Gradient := TExcelLinearGradient_Create(GradientStops, 90); xls.SetCellFormat(3, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt)); //AutoFilter xls.SetAutoFilter(1, 3, 5); //Protection SheetProtectionOptions := TSheetProtectionOptions.Create(false); SheetProtectionOptions.Contents := true; SheetProtectionOptions.Objects := true; SheetProtectionOptions.Scenarios := true; SheetProtectionOptions.SelectLockedCells := true; SheetProtectionOptions.SelectUnlockedCells := true; xls.Protection.SetSheetProtection(''******'', SheetProtectionOptions); end;
APIMate is not the panacea for all the questions, but it helps a lot answering many of those "how do I?" doubts. Remember to use it.
Providing credentials to the Google Maps API
Providing credentials to the Google Maps API
There are 2 different methods of providing credentials to the Google Maps API when working with TMS WebGMaps:
1. Regular Google Maps access API Key
This key identifies your project to check quotas and access.
At the Google Developers Console, go to "API Manager", "Credentials" to view your existing API Key(s) or create a new one.
You can assign this key to the APIKey property.
2. Google Maps for Work access Client ID and Signature
These credentials identify your Google Maps for Work project.
After sign up for Google Maps for Work you should receive the required information.
You can assign these to the APIClientID and APISignature properties.
How to show a hint when hovering over the column header
How to show a hint when hovering over the column header
You can use the OnGridHint event and via the var parameter hintstr specify the hint for each cell.
How to center & display all the markers on the map
How to center & display all the markers on the map
You can use the Markers.Bounds call to retrieve the bounds coordinates of all markers, these bounds can then be used as a parameter in the MapZoomTo call.
Add array of singles with one function
Add array of singles with one function
const val: array[1..12] of Single = (15,23,10,5,3,14,33,11,8,19,9,22); begin TMSFNCChart1.BeginUpdate; TMSFNCChart1.Clear; TMSFNCChart1.AddPointArray(val); TMSFNCChart1.EndUpdate; end;
How to export/save an image, displayed in a TAdvSmoothPanel, in its rounded form
How to export/save an image, displayed in a TAdvSmoothPanel, in its rounded form
The picture is saved as the original picture. Here you can download a sample that demonstrates how you can save the picture as a rounded image .
How to add a Polyline with symbols to the map
How to add a Polyline with symbols to the map
This is a sample of how to add a Polyline with symbols to the map:
var Symbols: TSymbols; Symbol: TSymbol; Path: TPath; begin Path := TPath.Create; Path.Add(48.85, 2.35); Path.Add(52.51, 13.38); Symbols := TSymbols.Create; Symbol := Symbols.Add; Symbol.SymbolType := stForwardClosedArrow; Symbol.OffsetType := dtPixels; Symbol.Offset := 10; Symbol.RepeatValue := 64; Symbol.RepeatType := dtPixels; WebGMaps1.Polylines.Add(false, false, false, Symbols, Path, clBlue, 255, 2, true, 1); end;
Cloning a TAdvGroupBox at runtime
Cloning a TAdvGroupBox at runtime
Cloning a TAdvGroupBox (or any other control) at runtime can be done with following code:
var grp: TAdvGroupBox; begin RegisterClass(TAdvGroupBox); clipboard.SetComponent(advgroupbox1); grp := clipboard.GetComponent(self, self) as TAdvGroupBox; // force position of new clone to 0,0 position grp.Left := 0; grp.Top := 0; end;
Custom X-Axis drawing
Custom X-Axis drawing
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin AdvChartView1.BeginUpdate; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[2].Free; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[1].Free; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].OnXAxisDrawValue := XAxisDrawVal; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].ChartType := ctBar; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].XAxis.AutoUnits := False; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].XAxis.AutoSize := False; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].AutoRange := arEnabledZeroBased; AdvChartView1.Panes[0].XAxis.Size := 50; for I := 0 to 9 do AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].AddSinglePoint(Random(100), ''Item '' + inttostr(I)); AdvChartView1.EndUpdate; end; procedure TForm1.XAxisDrawVal(Sender: TObject; Serie: TChartSerie; Canvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; ValueIndex, XMarker: integer; Top: Boolean; var defaultdraw: Boolean); var bw, tw: Integer; s: string; begin defaultdraw := False; bw := Serie.GetBarWidth(1) div 2; Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack; Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; Canvas.MoveTo(XMarker - bw + 1 , ARect.Top); Canvas.LineTo(XMarker - bw + 1, ARect.Top + 10); Canvas.MoveTo(XMarker + bw + 1, ARect.Top); Canvas.LineTo(XMarker + bw + 1, ARect.Top + 10); s := Serie.Points[ValueIndex].LegendValue; tw := Canvas.TextWidth(s); Canvas.TextOut(XMarker - tw div 2, ARect.Top + 12, s); end;
SelectPosRestricted property
SelectPosRestricted property
When you want to control that when a user starts a selection within a position (resource) in the Planner, the select-drag will be restricted to the position where the select-drag started, a new property is available:
Planner.SelectPosRestricted: boolean;
Set this to true and even when columns or rows for resources are small and sometimes difficult to keep the mouse in the same resource during long select-drag operations, the selection will remain within the originally selected resource.
Dealing with floating point number precision in TAdvStringGrid
Dealing with floating point number precision in TAdvStringGrid
When wanting to keep floating point numbers with high precision in the grid but display with less precision, the OnGetFloatFormat event can be used. In this code snippet, the grid cell value is set with a floating point number with 8 digits but is displayed with only 3 digits precision. Internally, we can keep calculating with values with 8 digits.
// Set float value with full precision begin advstringgrid1.FloatFormat := ''%g''; advstringgrid1.Floats[1,1] := 1.23456789; advstringgrid1.Floats[1,2] := 9.87654321; end; // ensure floating point number is only displayed with 3 digits procedure TForm4.AdvStringGrid1GetFloatFormat(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var IsFloat: Boolean; var FloatFormat: string); begin FloatFormat := ''%.3f''; end; // do calculation at full precision begin advstringgrid1.Floats[1,3] := advstringgrid1.Floats[1,1] + advstringgrid1.Floats[1,2]; end;
but the displayed result is
as the sum calculated is based on full precision.