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Announcing FlexCel 7.15 with experimental Lazarus support
Thursday, July 14, 2022
A little more than a month ago, we asked you about Lazarus support
And today we are delivering it. Experimental support (official support is coming once FPC gets anonymous methods in trunk), but usable and working fine.
While the polls were 70% in favor of supporting Lazarus, we understand it is still a small number of people needing it. But we also know that those who need it, really need it. And also, if we third-parties don't support Lazarus, less people is going to use it, giving less incentive to make third party components, and the cycle continues. So we are going for it, and we will try to keep it working as long as supporting it isn't an unreasonable effort. At the moment, we think it is completely feasible to keep Lazarus support along with the Delphi support.
To get started, get FlexCel for Lazarus from our website, and read the Lazarus guide.
Adrian Gallero

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Margerum Michael

Bob Devine
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