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Customizing SVG appearance

Friday, November 26, 2021


Recently we covered a blog post related to high DPI in combination with SVG in RAD Studio Alexandria. Adding SVG to your application makes you not have to worry for what the future brings in terms of look and feel. The scalable vector graphics will always be crisp independent of the screen resolution or size of the image. Today we are going a step further yet again and want to introduce a couple of QOL changes. 

SVG support is available when installing one of the following 2 products.

After starting the IDE, SVG is already available. This is not only registered for our products, but also available in default VCL controls. We start by adding VCL.TMSFNCTypes or AdvTypes unit (depending on the installed product). The unit will register the SVG type at runtime. At designtime, the package already registers SVG support. In the latest version of both products, we have added a way to change the tint color, setting the overal fill, stroke and opacity as well as the ability to turn an SVG to a grayscale version.

TMS Software Delphi  Components


Adding an SVG image to one of your controls, directly via TPicture or via a TVirtualImageList in combination with TTMSFNCSVGImageCollection enables access to the properties. After loading an SVG via the Data property of the TTMSFNCSVGImageCollection you are able to set one of the new properties. Changing the TintColor will affect the overal appearance, the SVG engine will try to blend the TintColor with the image, creating a different appearance.

Original SVG

TMS Software Delphi  Components

TintColor = gcDarkOrange

TMS Software Delphi  Components


Enabling the property GrayScale, will transform the SVG and convert all colors to grayscale versions.

TMS Software Delphi  Components

Customizing Opacity, Fill and Stroke

The CustomOpacity, CustomFillColor and CustomStrokeColor properties are focused on changing the whole appearance of the SVG. Currently, the CustomFillColor and CustomStrokeColor are designed to be applied on monochrome colors such as complete white or black SVG icons. 

CustomOpacity = 0.4

TMS Software Delphi  Components

In Code

 Each property can be accessed when converting the TGraphic sub-property of a TPicture to TTMSFNCSVGBitmap (or TAdvSVGBitmap). The code to do this is shown below, and based on adding a TPicture on a TImage.

(Image1.Picture.Graphic as TTMSFNCSVGBitmap).SVG.GrayScale := True;

            Original SVG                                GrayScale

TMS Software Delphi  Components   TMS Software Delphi  Components

The same applies to all the other properties. Below is a sample changing the opacity in combination with a custom fill color.

(Image1.Picture.Graphic as TTMSFNCSVGBitmap).SVG.CustomFillColor := gcRed;
(Image1.Picture.Graphic as TTMSFNCSVGBitmap).SVG.CustomOpacity := 0.8;

            Original SVG                          Custom Fill/Opacity

TMS Software Delphi  Components   TMS Software Delphi  Components

Want to know more?

More information on SVG, the supported SVG features as well as the enhancements we made to our SVG engine are available in the following blog posts.

Pieter Scheldeman

This blog post has received 2 comments.

1. Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 12:02:21 PM

What is "gcRed" and why not use "clRed" ?

Is it because of MultiPlatform, where

gcRed = clRed;
{$ELSE }
gcRed = TAplhaColors.Red;


Hansen Keld

2. Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 12:06:20 PM

To ensure the same code can be used in VCL,FMX,LCL and WEB Core.

Bruno Fierens

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