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TMS Diagram Studio v3.2 released

Monday, January 26, 2009

We're excited to announce the release of a new version of TMS Diagram Studio v3.2.  TMS Diagram Studio is a suite of components to add powerful diagramming & flowcharting capabilities to your applications.

What's new & improved in v3.2:

  • New: Grouping concept introduced. Diagram objects can now be grouped and behave like a single object with support for Multi-level grouping.
  • New: Movable rotation center allows defining a new center point for rotating objects
  • New: TDiagramLine.LineStyle property allows a single line object to behave like arc, side line, bezier and straight line.
  • New: Group/Ungroup popup menu and toolbar buttons available in diagram editor
  • New: Text toolbar in diagram editor dialog allows setting text alignment, vertical alignment and font style (bold, italic and underline)
  • New: TatDiagram methods GroupSelectedBlocks, UngroupSelectedBlocks and AddGroup for handle groups programatically
  • New: TatDiagram.SelectionMode property allows to choose Visio-style block selection (objects selected are displayed as a whole group)
  • New: TDiagramBackground.Picture property allows more image types for diagram background image (jpg, wmf, etc.)
  • New: TatDiagram.TextRenderingMode allows setting high-quality antialiasing text mode
  • New: TatDiagram.CanMoveOutOfBounds property allows avoiding blocks to moved to negative positions, preventing the whole diagram to be shifted
  • New: tmSpecific item in TTextCellsMode allows fixed text cells at source/target position of lines
  • New: Method in TatDiagram to export the diagram as bitmap/metafile to a stream instead of a file
  • New: TatDiagram.FixedSideLines property allows a different side line behavior, where intermediate handles are not automatically repositioned
  • New: Arrow shape asAngleDiamond is a diamond which rotates according to line angle
  • New: TDiagramControl properties IsGroup, IsMember, GroupBlock and MasterGroup provides information about block grouping
  • New: Protected method TDiagramControl.TextCellsChanged
  • New: TStretchHandle.AlwaysMovable property allows a handle to be moved even when crResize restriction is present
  • New: TLinkPoint properties CanAnchor, CanAnchorInMove and AcceptAnchoreds allow better control of link point behavior
  • Various smaller extensions, improvements & fixes

Fully functional trial downloads for Delphi 5,6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009 & C++Builder 6,2006,2007,2009 are available at : 
Active registered users can obtain the new version free after login on our website.

Bruno Fierens

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