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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

First BETA!

We are excited to announce the first BETA of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack!

What's included

Included in the first BETA of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack is the ability to create/implement your own service(s). There is a small accompanying guide available after installation, that explains a few of the basics to get started. Additionally, below is a list of some of the many features that are supported in the TMS FNC Cloud Pack.

  • Implement and use your own service(s) built on top of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack core
  • Make GET, POST, PUT, UPDATE, DELETE and PATCH requests
  • Support for multi-part form data via a separate form data builder class
  • Built-in OAuth 2.0 authentication flow
  • Built-in URL encoding, JSON parsing, file to Base64 encoding and many more

Included in the TMS FNC Cloud Pack is a set of ready-to-use services that are listed below.

  • Google Tasks
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Contacts
  • Google Firebase Database
  • Google Drive
  • Google GMail
  • Google Search terms
  • Google Maps address data
  • Google Photos
  • Microsoft Onedrive
  • Outlook Calendar
  • Outlook Contacts
  • Outlook Mail
  • Apple CloudKit
  • DropBox Cloud storage
  • PayPal
  • YouTube
  • Hubic

We want your feedback!

In this blog post, we already asked you for which service(s) you wish to see an implementation. We already received a lot of feedback, and want to thank you for this. This allows us to continue development in future updates of TMS FNC Cloud Pack. For those that didn't yet fill in the survey, please go to

We want your feedback, so we can improve the TMS FNC Cloud Pack even more, so we want to ask you for a thorough testing on TMS FNC Cloud Pack and provide us with any feedback, comments, suggestions and issues you experience. This can be done via comments on this blog, or an email to

How to get access to the BETA version?

The BETA version is available to all active registered users of the TMS ALL ACCESS. The BETA download link should be available after logging in, and going to the My Products page. Alternatively, the subscription manager should also list TMS FNC Cloud Pack as a registered download.

Pieter Scheldeman

This blog post has received 3 comments.

1. Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 2:25:13 PM


I had been waiting for a while ;-)

Piffer Claudio

2. Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 3:48:55 PM

Wish: Delphi Linux support

Miertschink Andre

3. Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 6:30:39 PM

It can be used for Linux applications in two ways: via Lazarus or via TMS WEB Core Electron application type targeted for Linux

Bruno Fierens

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