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Automatically build hundreds of web editing forms using TMS XData Web Application Generator

Thursday, December 20, 2018

I have already written here about the TMS XData Web App Generator. In the first post, the prototype was presented, and in the second post it was officially released, along with other nice features for TMS Aurelius and TMS XData.

Now I'm glad to announce a great update to the tool. It's now capable of also generating a front-end for the whole CRUD operations. An edit form will be created to edit, insert and delete entities from the server.

Here is the sequence of screenshots showing it. You invoke the wizard using Delphi File | New | Other... menu, which will bring the TMS XData Web Application wizard:

Then you provide the root URL for an existing TMS XData server:

And here is the new feature: you can now choose, for each entity in the server, if you want to generate a front-end that can insert, delete or update new entities. You have the option to allow your end-user to only create genres but not update or delete them, for example. Or keep "customer" entity read-only.

The wizard will generate the source code, and here is a sample screeshot of the edit form for one of the entities. A great addition and a great feature that will save you time from manually building all those edit forms for your data!

If you want to know more about TMS Business (TMS XData, TMS Aurelius) and TMS Web Core, follow the links!
TMS Business Home Page
TMS Web Core Home Page
TMS Software YouTube Channel
TMS XData Music Appliaction - Online Demo

Wagner Landgraf

This blog post has received 4 comments.

1. Friday, December 21, 2018 at 5:40:18 AM

This is great to have a basic starting CRUD project.

Next level for the WIZARD will be to handle changes to the same project : additional entities or changes to the entity model.

Inc ClearFreight

2. Friday, December 21, 2018 at 11:53:06 AM

Thank you! That''s indeed one next feature that might be implemented.

Wagner R. Landgraf

3. Friday, January 8, 2021 at 6:39:39 AM

Is this available in VCL components?

Alan Sawyer

4. Friday, January 8, 2021 at 8:33:57 AM

Sorry, at this time not available to generate VCL apps. Good suggestion though .

Bruno Fierens

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