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Almost 8 years at tmssoftware

Friday, June 10, 2016

I remember my first day at tmssoftware. Some guys behind their computer, busy toggling on their keyboard, all focused on that screen.
The first job Bruno gave me: here is our website, can you put all our products in a database, together with supported IDE's, frameworks, Windows versions. OK, not the nicest job... but afterwards I understood Bruno just wanted me to learn as fast as possible the entire product range. And yes, our product range is quite large.

The second job was to go through all product demo projects ... here we go again, this kept me busy for a few weeks. After this 'product' introduction, I finally was ready to take the challenge to enter the world of 'support'.

Now 8 years later, support is a daily routine, most of our customers know me, and more than that, most of the emails in the inbox are starting with 'hi Nancy'.

What also keeps fascinating me in this Delphi world is how everything evolves so incredibly fast. 8 years ago we were not even talking about FireMonkey, cross-platform development, components for accessing cloud services, testing on multiple devices like iPad, Android, Linux, Raspbian, ... It also seems like the Delphi world has a small group of real die-hard fans , always the same people you see in the Delphi Google communities, on forums, at conferences, ... Or is it just my imagination?

Beside all these new products we released over the 8 years, we also moved to a new office this year and last month we had a major redesign of our website (thanks again for all the positive comment we received!).

Can you imagine how curious I am about what new technologies, new challenges, new products, new exciting things I would write about in a similar blog post after another 8 years at tmssoftware?!

After these 8 years I can say I'm still glad to help our customers as good as I can and as fast as I can.

Kind regards,
Nancy Lescouhier
TMS software team

Nancy Lescouhier

This blog post has received 8 comments.

1. Friday, June 10, 2016 at 1:14:49 PM

Thanks Nancy for being the heart of the company in so many ways. 8 years later, tmssoftware without Nancy wouldn''t be the same tmssoftware anymore. I look forward to many years to come, and yes with a lot of new technologies, new challenges and new exciting and new fun things to do (Office 2018 colors? ;) ) but no more dull database filling work!

Bruno Fierens

2. Friday, June 10, 2016 at 1:19:18 PM

Thank you Nancy for being a great collegue for 8 years and I hope we can continue to work together for many years to come !

Pieter Scheldeman

3. Friday, June 10, 2016 at 2:29:37 PM

Great post Nancy, and congratulations for your "anniversary" :-) I appreciate being your colleague for those 8 years, even though we are separated by an ocean most of the time :-D

Wagner Landgraf

4. Friday, June 10, 2016 at 3:26:48 PM

Thanks for your grace under pressure, Nancy. It is a pretty daunting task to deal with people who have so many styles of communication! May every happiness be with you.

Collins Charles

5. Friday, June 10, 2016 at 5:46:57 PM

Thank you for all the support you have given us over the years. As a customer, it''s has always been nice to be able to work with you.

Robert Love

6. Monday, June 13, 2016 at 7:05:38 PM

Congratulations Nancy. You continue to do great work helping the many wonderful developers that use TMS Software products. I always love reading your blog posts and news items. It is fun to learn new TMS things from you.

I hope you continue to do great work for many years to come!

Thanks and Hugs from,
David I.

David Intersimone

7. Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 3:25:39 PM

I worked about 4 years with TMS and i am glad for the time i spend in this great and talented company ,

Great days and memories from some of best developers i know ever such as Bruno , Pieter ,Wagner, Bart ...

Ryan Samiee

8. Monday, June 20, 2016 at 5:38:35 PM

Have been with TMS since the beginning, have had a few questions every year and received nothing less than resolving answers ! Thanks for many years of "1st Class" support!

Steve Winsett

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