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ITDevCon and a Delphi surface
Sunday, November 21, 2010
It has been a long time I have attended such a vibrant Delphi event as ITDevCon organised November 18 & 19 in Verona, Italy. Two days long, three parallel tracks in the three rooms named TObject, TComponent, TForm were offered covering technical to deep technical sessions about Delphi programming. Regular expressions, parallel programming, Direct2D, advanced debugging techniques, open tools API, touch, multithreading, REST clients,... you name it. Sessions were brought by the energetic team of developers from bit Time software accompanied by several well known international speakers such as Carry Jensen, Marco Cantu, Ray Konopka, Thierry Laborde, Pawel Glowacki and several more... Representing TMS software exhibiting at ITDevCon, I did two talks. One talk was shedding a light on the internals of several free plugins we offer for Delphi and one talk on why and how TMS Smooth Controls were designed, its concepts and some tips and tricks for using the components.One of the big attractions of the event was a Delphi "surface". Thierry Laborde from Arrow Ecs in Paris showed a surface like table with a sample Win32 multi-touch graphically rich and fluid application developed in Delphi XE. I thought this was so exciting that I quickly grabbed my camera and made a short video to show this kind of amazing applications you can create with Delphi. Enjoy:
You can see some more pictures and information on the blog of Primoz Gabrijelcic and I'm sure also very soon on the ITDevCon website itself. Thumbs up for the excellent organisation of the event, the fine selection of content, the good food, the friendly reception. In case you hesitated and didn't go to ITDevCon this year, make sure you don't miss THE European Delphi event next year!
Bruno Fierens

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Oh well, I know several companies that *already* has been delivering Surface multitouch (and not only, Surface can do more like reading codes) applications since its introduction using MS tools (and not only on Surface, there are some devices to mimic it on large LCD screens as well) . So great it could be done in Delphi also, but that''s just catching up, not being on the leading edge.
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We will see next year to THE European Conference.
Danile Teti