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Beta of new series of components to create Office 2010 style user interfaces

Monday, April 19, 2010

Something that immediately draws the attention in the just RTM'd Office 2010 is the new application menu. It is a very clearly laid out page of the various actions and options that can chosen & configured from there. On closer inspection, it is really packed with specific & very different user interface elements. To name just a few: small buttoned item, large buttoned item, dropdown list, check list, inplace edit controls, fixed items, formatted text items and so on.

It was our goal to bring the capability to create such modern & fresh user interfaces to Delphi & C++Builder. A lot of thought went particularly into making such user interfaces easy and fast. We wanted to offer a solution that allows you to create a full & finished user interface in less than one hour rather than needing a lot of work to layout controls on a form and have a designer continue to work for hours to get everything look "right". Also, it is our understanding that such solution can be used in way more scenarios than just for building an application menu for a ribboned application.

Although the user interface elements are quite different in the application menu, many behaviors are common, like mouse hovering, mouse selection, focusing, .. as well as many style elements like normal state appearance, selected state appearance, hovered state appearance. Another thing that is common is that most items are treated as lists. Therefore, the basis of the architecture is a polymorph list of items descending from the TCustomItem class. The TCustomItem class knows of the minimum required common mouse, keyboard, selection, painting handling. From TCustomItem, we created already a wide range of ready to use classes:
  • TButtonItem: Item with associated button, text
  • TCheckItem: Item with checkbox, text,
  • TRadioItem: Item with radiobutton, text
  • TGroupItem: Item with group caption and area that can be used to host another control
  • TDropDownItem: Item with text and dropdown button. A new polymorph list of items can be shown from the dropdown
  • THTMLItem: Item with capability to show HTML formatted text
  • TImageItem: Item with image and text and various postioning methods for image versus text
  • TLargeButtonedItem: Item with large button with image
  • TImageTextItem: Item with text and image and different positioning for image versus text
  • TTextItem: Item with text and optional description line
  • TImageTextButtonItem: Item with associated button, text and image
  • TWedgeItem: Variation of TTextItem with selection displayed with wedge on any of the 4 sides of the item
  • TExpandableImageSectionItem: Item with image and text and button that can collaps or expand different items under the item
  • THTMLSectionItem: Section item with HTML formatted text
  • TImageSectionItem: Section item with image and text
  • TImageTextButtonSectionItem: Section item with image, text and additional button
The design becomes really interesting knowing that with each item a control can be associated. Thus, a polymorph list control can in turn host inside an item or multiple items other polymorph lists or the TDropdownItem class allows to show a new polymorph list upon clicking its dropdown button. In addition, new classes descending from TCustomItem or any of the existing item classes can be created and registered. We have implemented each descending class in a separate unit. One of the advantages of this choice is that only the classes effectively used will be linked with your application. In the future we or you can create very specific & heavy item types but these will not affect at all application not using them.

Various list control types
Managing the polymorph list of items in memory is one thing, for actually displaying the items, we provide several controls. The base class that manages the list is TCustomItemsContainer. This holds & manages the list of items. We have provided 5 controls descending from this:
  • TAdvVerticalPolyList: A scrollable list of items vertically (ie. under each other) organised
  • TAdvHorizontalPolyList: A scrollable list of items horizontallly (ie. next to each other) organised
  • TAdvPolyList: A grid structure of items with configurable number of columns or rows
  • TAdvPolyBox: A control in which items can be absolutely positioned
  • TAdvPolyPager: A page control where a vertical list of items can be used to select a page
Using any of these controls is no more difficult than dropping it on the form, double click to start the designer, pick from a visual list of available item types and drag in the list preview. Click the item in the list preview and use the Object Inspector to set its properties. This sample code snippet shows how an item can be added in code:
  hi: THTMLItem;
  hi := THTMLItem(AdvVerticalPolyList1.AddItem(THTMLItem));
  hi.Caption := 'Hello world';
Creating custom item classes
The component was designed with the capability to add custom items in mind. The base class TCustomItem has a number of virtual methods to override to create a different behavior. As an example, the TCheckItem class represents an item with a checkbox. Here, we need to override the drawing to draw the checkbox itself and override the mouse up handling to toggle the checkbox when mouse up happens over the checkbox. The minimal implementation of this class looks like:
  TCheckItem = class(TGraphicItem)
    FOnInternalItemCheckChanged: TItemCheckEvent;
    FOnItemCheckChanged: TItemCheckEvent;
    FChecked: Boolean;
    procedure SetChecked(const Value: Boolean);
    class function CustomClassName: String; override;
    function DrawText(g: TGPGraphics; ARect: TGPRectF; ItemAppearance: TItemAppearance; DoText: Boolean = true): TGPRectF; override;
    procedure Draw(g: TGPGraphics; ItemAppearance: TItemAppearance); override;
    procedure DoMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
      pX, pY: Integer; Interaction: TItemInteraction; ItemAppearance: TItemAppearance); override;
    property Checked: Boolean read FChecked write SetChecked default false;
    property OnItemCheckChanged: TItemCheckEvent read FOnItemCheckChanged write FOnItemCheckChanged;
Here, the Draw and DrawText methods are overridden to paint the checkbox. The DoMouseUp method is overridden to handle the checkbox click. The Checked property exposes the checkbox state and the OnItemCheckChanged event exposes the event when the checkbox is clicked. The CustomClassName function defines a friendly description for the class name that is used in the designer.

Picturecontainer to reuse images
In modern user interfaces, PNG images have almost become the norm. The PictureContainer component offers one central repository of images used in the application. It can be placed on a datamodule for example and reused in several forms to avoid inflating the DFM file with images that are used multiple times. The PictureContainer can host images of several sizes mixed contrary to a TImageList. Each image in the PictureContainer has an identifier name and with this name, the image can be choosen for an item.

Office 2010 application menu emulation
TMS Software Delphi  Components TMS Software Delphi  Components
TMS Software Delphi  Components TMS Software Delphi  Components

Different items with HTML support, checkboxes, GDIPPictureContainer support and automatic scrollbars, list in list support


Horizontal poly list with image items, aspect ratio and custom scrollbar handles


Drop down item with embedded poly list


TAdvPolyPager : Page control with polymorph list for selection


Large buttoned item with description, Wedge item, and MonthCalendar as embedded control


The design time editor in RAD Studio which lists all available item classes with drag & drop support to insert/remove/reorder items


You can start using the new poly list controls new by downloading the beta version. This is available now for Delphi 6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010 and C++Builder 6,2006,2007,2009,2010. We have made sure it can be installed along any existing other TMS Component. We look forward to all your feedback & comments and wish you success creating exciting user interfaces using the new lists.

Bruno Fierens

This blog post has received 11 comments.

1. Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 7:52:08 AM

Will this be part of TMS Component Studio ?

Tierney Andrew

2. Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 8:38:44 AM

Yes, we expect this to be part of TMS Component Studio, TMS VCL Subscription

Bruno Fierens

3. Friday, April 30, 2010 at 2:05:02 PM

What about the TAdvNavBar? :(
Will it ever get Office 2010 treatment?

Petersson Johan

4. Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 9:21:57 AM

Yes, you can expect more Office 2010 style enhancements.

Bruno Fierens

5. Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 1:38:34 PM

Any rough ETA??

Petersson Johan

6. Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 2:47:41 PM

End of Q2 / early Q3

Bruno Fierens

7. Monday, May 3, 2010 at 3:02:12 PM

Will this be included in TMS Component Pack? or not..

Demir Alper

8. Monday, May 3, 2010 at 3:05:28 PM

Yes, will become part of TMS Component Pack

Bruno Fierens

9. Monday, May 3, 2010 at 3:56:03 PM

"Yes, will become part of TMS Component Pack "
You are impressive.. I''am waiting for it..
Thank you...

Demir Alper

10. Monday, May 10, 2010 at 2:35:30 PM

Is a microsoft license required?

Ruschmeyer Monika

11. Monday, May 10, 2010 at 5:34:14 PM

Poly list controls can be used for so much more than just the Office 2010 application menu. They extend these controls and are in several ways more versatile. Ribbon UI licensing does not apply on such separate controls.

Bruno Fierens

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