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TMS Software's 2023 Product Updates Shortlist
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
As we near the end of 2023, let's look back on the amazing journey we've shared. This year, we've made big improvements to our products to better meet the needs of our diverse users. Here's a quick look at the main updates for our most popular TMS products, all now supporting Delphi 12:
67 new features in components
10 new components:
- TAdvToggleSwitch control added
- TAdvPipsPager control added
- TAdvFrameView control added
- TAdvAvatarList control added
- TAdvAvatar control added
- TDBAdvMultiEditButton component added
- TAdvPDFViewer component added: native PDF file viewer component
- TParamLabelEditor TParamListBoxEditor TParamCheckListEditor TParamTreeviewEditor components
- DB-aware version of TAdvIPEdit : TDBAdvIPEdit added
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS VCL UI Pack Release History.
TMS Async
1 new component:
- New : OnUSBDevicePlugin OnUSBDeviceUnplug events added
TMS Flexcel for VCL & FMX
17 new features in components
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FlexCel for VCL & FMX Release History
14 new features in components
3 new components:
- Introducing TTMSFNCTileList
- introducing TTMSFNCMemo component
- introducing TTMSFNCChat component
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FNC UI Pack Release History
TMS FNC Gantt Chart
The TMS FNC Gantt Chart is an new addition to the FNC family of products. The Gantt Chart is a comprehensive tool designed for monitoring project schedules, enabling users to establish task dependencies, track progress, and effortlessly evaluate task conditions. The first beta version is currently available exclusively for active TMS ALL-ACCESS users.
For more information on the TMS FNC Gantt Chart, explore the following blog post:
17 new features in components
2 new components:
- TTMSFNCGoogleRoutes component
- TTMSFNCLeaflet component
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FNC Maps Release History
TMS FNC Cloud Pack
7 new features in components
2 new components:
- New : TTMSFNCRESTClientEditor
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FNC Cloud Pack Release History
7 new features in components
1 new components:
- Added TTMSFNCWXWebRTCCommunication
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FNC WX Pack Release History
TMS WEB Core / TMS WEB Core for VSC
73 new features in components
6 new components:
- TWebNFC component added
- TWebRTC component
- TWebInputMessageDlg component added
- TWebDBEditDropDownControl added
- TWebDBEditBtn component added
- TWebAuth component added for Apple Auth0 Facebook Google and Microsoft sign in
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS WEB Core Release History
TMS Sphinx
3 new features in components
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS Sphinx Release History
7 new features in components
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS XData Release History
10 new features in components
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS MQTT Release History
TMS Fixinsight
3 new features in components
Explore the complete list of new features and components by visiting the following link: TMS FixInsight Release History
As we close this chapter of 2023, we express our gratitude for your continued support and collaboration. We wish you a joyful holiday season and look forward to another year.
Aaron Decramer

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