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Comparing directions services in TMS FNC Maps for Delphi

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Selecting a directions service 

Switching directions services in TMS FNC Maps for Delphi is easy. Selecting the right directions service to use for a specific application can be quite complex. Fortunately we've prepared this handy feature & pricing overview to help you make the right choice! 


Perhaps the most important aspect is knowing how much each service is charging to let you calculate routing directions. *

Directions ServicePricing

TMS Software Delphi  Components  GeoApify

Free up to 3K requests / day.
49 EUR / month for 10K requests / day.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  Google Maps

Free up to 28.5K requests / month.
5 USD / 1K requests.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  Here Maps

Free up to 30K requests / month.
0.08 USD / 1K requests.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  MapBox

Free up to 100K requests / month.
2 USD / 1K requests.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  Microsoft Azure Maps

Free up to 5K requests / month.
4.50 USD / 1K requests.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  Microsoft Bing Maps

Free up to 125K requests / year. 

TMS Software Delphi  Components  OpenRouteService

Limited to 2K requests / day, 40 requests / minute.

TMS Software Delphi  Components  TomTom

Free up to 2.5K requests / day.
0.5 EUR / 1K requests.

* Prices are subject to change. See the links associated with each mapping service for detailed information.


All directions services require an API key to function.
Instructions on how to retrieve an API key are available here.

Feature comparison

What routing functionality is available for each service? Some services provide unique features while other functions are available for all services. *

Directions Features
TMS Software Delphi  Components
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Avoid TollsTMS Software Delphi  Components
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Alternative RoutesTMS Software Delphi  Components
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Truck RoutesTMS Software Delphi  Components
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Truck Routing OptionsTMS Software Delphi  Components
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* Features and service availability are subject to change

Available Now

The TMS FNC Maps is available now for Delphi & Visual Studio Code (with TMS WEB Core). You can download the latest version and start using all these features right away!

Bart Holvoet

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This blog post has received 1 comment.

1. Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 5:33:01 PM

this topic is very important and goes far beyond the software development or selecting mapping provider,
because we have more cars, more traffic, and the routing is affecting air-pollution, and finally our quality of life.

for example, there is a direct link between critical illness and living close to the busy highways.
i.e. company can optimize their routes by time or distance, but there is no way to optimize the route by engine size or type,
take into consideration the community, and to minimize the risk for health.

in this situation any businesses will prefer to use the shortest or closest routes and save $10-20 on delivery,
but then later the governments will be spending billions for saving lives of their citizens.

in the ideal world (if I were making any decisions):
- I would establish a national traffic control centers
- any heavy vehicle (truck, bus, etc.) that crosses the border of the Country, Province/State, City should automatically submit
its travel route, with all vehicle details, and corresponding route certificate # , map provider who issued this route
- if route/certificate is not provided - then any police officer may stop this vehicle and fine the owner
- all routes may be randomly verified by using alternative tools
- map providers should make their routing based on vehicle type, size, local regulations, communities, not just Lon, Lat
- routing services should be affordable for any business, and eligible for extra taxes if overpriced by map providers.

it''s the case when SW solution may become a critical tool for creating a better environment.


Kyrylenko Oleg

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