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Visual organisation of TAdvSmoothSplashScreen
Visual organisation of TAdvSmoothSplashScreen
1 & 2) Basic Program Information: The Splash screen allows you to set the program name version number and copyright. With the property AutoLoad the splash automatically loads the project settings from the EXE version info resource.
3, 4) The background fill of the splashscreen can contain texture, gradients opacities, etc…
6) A ProgressBar to display the progress while the application is loading the different elements. Below is a sample on how to simulate a splash screen. The layout will be based on the Office 2007 Luna style. With the basic program information you can automatically display the program name and version that is embedded inside the EXE version info resource.
var I: integer; begin AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.SetComponentStyle(tsOffice2007Luna); AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.Height := 150; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.Width := 350; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.CloseOnTimeout := true; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.ListItemsSettings.Rect.Top := 30; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.ListItemsSettings.Rect.Left := 5; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.BasicProgramInfo.AutoLoad := true; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.Show; I := 0; while I <= 4 do begin AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.ListItems.Add.HTMLText := 'Loading new Project '+inttostr(I)+' DLL'; AdvSmoothSplashScreen1.Refresh; Sleep(1000); Inc(I); end;