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Visual organisation of TAdvSmoothListBox
Visual organisation of TAdvSmoothListBox
TMS Advanced Smooth ListBox is a component with the following main visual elements:
1) The header can contain information on how the items are organised or which types of items are in the ListBox. For example: “Contact list”. The header can also contain HTML text and images. The header can be visible or not.
2) In case you define the ListBox as a “Contact list” you can set the item sections visible. This allows you to group the items under the section of the same category. The categories which are currently available are alphabetical and numeric.
3) These are the ListBox items which can be fully customized in many ways: HTML text, images graphics, controls …
4) When you want to search an item you can easily navigate to the first item with the letter you clicked at the lookup bar.
5) The optional footer is identical to the header and allows displaying extra information at the bottom of the list, such as summary information for example like “Number of contacts: …”