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Adding a section
Adding a section
An indicator is limited to one position property while the Section can be stretched over a timezone between a starttime and endtime.
with AdvSmoothTimeLine1.TimeLineSections.Add do begin StartTime := AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeFrom + ((AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeTo - AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeFrom) / AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.SubDivisions) * 3; EndTime := AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeFrom + ((AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeTo - AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.RangeFrom) / AdvSmoothTimeLine1.Range.SubDivisions) * 5; Hint := 'This is a new Section between March and June'; end;
The Section hints can be customized with the HintFill property on Section level. There are also DefaultHintfill, DefaultIndicator and DefaultSectionFill to apply when a new indicator or section is added.