Our policy on discounts

Attractive prices all year, not just for Christmas, Spring, Babies, Marriages, Birthdays, Summer, ... at TMS

We strongly believe that our current pricing is aggressively low to accommodate price sensitivities worldwide. Our focus is to offer the best value for money in the market by offering a large number of components included in our component sets that also include free updates & free priority first-class support for the full license duration.

We also wish to offer fair prices to ALL our customers at ANY time! We believe the customer should be able to purchase at an attractive and correct price on the day the customers wants to make the purchase and not the day we want this. We also do not wish to give a customer that bad feeling when he discovers that he could have gotten a better price if he had ordered some time before or after the customer made the purchase.

What we do offer all year

We do offer discounts on upgrades. When you want to renew to the latest version of a product and continued priority support, we offer a discount on the regular price of the product.

Typically a significant discount is offered for renewals of registrations within 30 days of expiry. These discount upgrade offers are shown on the "My account" page after login on our website. When the offer is not taken 30 days after expiry, the discount is reduced and remains available on the 'My account' page.

If you have an inquiry about upgrading to a small team license or a site license, or a bigger bundle than what you purchased, please don't hesitate to contact us, such requests are looked at case by case and a best possible offer is made.

We hope you are as convinced as us that this policy is in the best interest of you, our customer.

Kind regards,
TMS software team.