Example 76 : Balloon functionality in TAdvStringGrid
From TAdvStringGrid version v4.5, several new balloon notification capabilities have been added. A balloon hint can be shown dynamically using the event OnCellBalloon, it can be programmatically added using the method grid.AddBalloon() and the balloon can also be used to signal invalid entries during editing of the grid.With this first code snippet, the balloon is set dynamically via the event OnCellBalloon. This event has 3 parameters: ATitle sets the title of the balloon, the AText parameter sets the notes of the balloon and the AIcon sets the icon to display. The icon can have following values:
- 0: no icon
- 1: information icon
- 2: warning icon
- 3: error icon
procedure TForm2.AdvStringGrid1CellBalloon(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var ATitle, AText: string; var AIcon: Integer); begin if (acol = 1) and (arow = 1) then begin ATitle := 'Hello'; AText := 'I am cell 1,1'; end; end;
A second way to add a balloon for a cell is via the method grid.AddBalloon(). This sample code defines a balloon for cell 2,2 and cell 3,3:
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin advstringgrid1.AddBalloon(2,2,'Title A','Cell 2,2 is here', biError); advstringgrid1.AddBalloon(3,3,'Title B','Cell 3,3 is here', biWarning); end;
procedure TForm2.AdvStringGrid1CellValidate(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: string; var Valid: Boolean); begin if length(value) < 3 then begin advstringgrid1.InvalidEntryTitle := 'Input error'; Advstringgrid1.InvalidEntryText := 'Entry not sufficiently long'; Valid := false; end; if length(value) > 5 then begin advstringgrid1.InvalidEntryTitle := 'Input error'; Advstringgrid1.InvalidEntryText := 'Entry is too long'; Valid := false; end; end;