Example 70 : Custom group calculation

The meaning of the parameters is:
ACol : column to perform calculation for FromRow: first row in the group ToRow: last row in the group Res: variable parameter to use to set the result
In this sample, the grid is initialized with random number, is grouped on column 1 and for the first column in the grouped grid the standard deviation is calculated:
The code to achieve this is here:
procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1GroupCalc(Sender: TObject; ACol, FromRow, ToRow: Integer; var Res: Double); var i: integer; d, m, sd: double; begin // calculate mean m := 0; for i := FromRow to ToRow do begin m := m + advstringgrid1.Floats[ACol,i]; end; m := m / (ToRow - FromRow + 1); sd := 0; for i := FromRow to ToRow do begin sd := sd + sqr(advstringgrid1.Floats[ACol,i] - m); end; sd := sd / (ToRow - FromRow); Res := sqrt(sd); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin advstringgrid1.RowCount := 100; advstringgrid1.RandomFill(false,100); for i := 1 to advstringgrid1.RowCount - 1 do advstringgrid1.Ints[1,i] := random(5); advStringGrid1.Grouping.Summary := true; AdvStringGrid1.Grouping.MergeHeader := true; advstringgrid1.Grouping.ShowGroupCount := true; advstringgrid1.Group(1); advstringgrid1.GroupCustomCalc(1); end;
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