Example 61 : Some ComboBox tricks with TAdvStringGrid

In this sample application, two columns in the grid use comboboxes. The combobox values in the last column depend on the selected value of the combobox in column 1. In this sample, we added the extra control that the combobox dropdown in column 2 is only visible after a value has been selected in column 1. This was done through:
procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1HasComboBox(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var HasComboBox: Boolean); begin HasComboBox := (ACol = 1) or ((ACol = 2) and ((AdvStringGrid1.Cells[1,ARow] <> '') or (AdvStringGrid1.EditMode and (AdvStringGrid1.Row = ARow) and (AdvStringGrid1.Col = 1)))); end;
This event handler causes the combobox dropdown to always display for column 1 and optionally display it for column 2 when the corresponding cell in column 1 has been set or is being edited. In case all combobox dropdown buttons should be visible, this reduces to:
procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1HasComboBox(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var HasComboBox: Boolean); begin HasComboBox := True; end;
Two additional tricks have been used in this sample. To make sure the combobox drops down immediately upon clicking the always visible dropdown button, the property grid.MouseActions.DirectComboDrop was set to true. Finally, to make sure the dropdown in the cell appears immediately in column 2 when a combobox value is selected in column 1, the OnComboChange event is used from where grid.RepaintCell(2,ARow) is called.
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