Example 49 : auto calculating floating footers

grid.FloatingFooter.Visible := True; // show the floating footer grid.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[colindex] := CalcType; // set the calculation type for the column colindex in the floating footer.
acCount: show rowcount
acSum: show column sum
acAvg: show column average
acMin: show column minimum
acMax: show column maximum
As such, the sample app's setup was done with:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin AdvStringGrid1.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[0] := acCount; AdvStringGrid1.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[1] := acSum; AdvStringGrid1.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[2] := acAvg; AdvStringGrid1.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[3] := acMin; AdvStringGrid1.FloatingFooter.ColumnCalc[4] := acMax; AdvStringGrid1.RandomFill(False,100); AdvstringGrid1.AutoNumberCol(0); end;
Whenever a cell changes through editing or through loading, the automatically recalculated value shows in the floating footer.
Delphi project & source files for downloading included in the main demos distribution for Delphi.