Example 22 : Using filtering

Taking a closer look at the FilterDate collection, this is a TCollection of elements with 2 properties, Condition, which is a string and Column which is an integer. The Condition property can contain a condition in following formats :
substring filterting : S*, S? : * or ? denote multi or single character matches >, < , >=, =< : larger than, less than, larger or equal, less or equal (when data is numeric, comparison take place based on numeric data, otherwise on alphabetic comparisons) = , ! : equal or not equal & , ^ : logical AND , logical OR
Thus, an expression : >20 & <30 is a valid filtering expression as well as !A*
In this example, the conditions are set by clicking on the column header and specifying the condition for each column. This is done with the OnClickCell event:
procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1ClickCell(Sender: TObject; Arow, Acol: Integer); var s:string; begin if (arow=0) and (acol>0) then begin s := AdvStringGrid1.Cells[acol,arow]; if InputQuery('Column ' + IntToStr(acol),'Condition',s) then AdvStringGrid1.Cells[acol,arow] := s; end; end;
When the Apply filter button is clicked, the FilterData collection is built from these conditions and FilterActive is set true :
procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject); var i:integer; begin with advstringgrid1 do begin filteractive:=false; filter.Clear; for i:=fixedcols to colcount-1 do begin if (cells[i,0]<>'') then with filter.add do begin condition := Cells[i,0]; column:= i; end; end; filteractive := True; end; end;
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