Example 17 : using ADO to load data into TAdvStringGrid
This simple procedure shows how to use ADO to load data from a table in a MS Access database. To open a table from a SQL server database in a grid, change the open line to use the SQL server. Be sure to use the unit COMOBJ for this code.procedure LoadFromADO(sg: tadvstringgrid; mdb, table: string); var adoset:variant; adoconn:variant; adofield:variant; i,j:integer; begin adoconn := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Connection'); adoconn.Open('driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq='+mdb); adoset := adoconn.Execute('SELECT * FROM '+table); sg.colcount := adoset.fields.count + 1; for i:=1 to adoset.fields.Count-1 do begin adofield:=adoset.fields.item(i); sg.cells[i,0]:=adofield.Name; end; j := 1; while not adoset.EOF do begin if (j>sg.rowcount) then sg.rowcount := sg.rowcount + 1; for i := 1 to adoset.fields.Count-1 do begin adofield := adoset.fields.item(i); sg.cells[i,j] := adofield.Value; end; adoset.MoveNext; inc(j); end; adoset := unassigned; end;
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