Example 1 : An addresslabel printing application

procedure TForm1.saveClick(Sender: TObject); begin advstringgrid1.savetofile('adres.tbl'); end; procedure TForm1.loadClick(Sender: TObject); begin advstringgrid1.loadfromfile('adres.tbl'); end;
The next step is to show the output either on the previewscreen or on paper. As the previewscreen requires an extra form, this is explained first. The TAdvStringGrid component has a method PrintPreview with 2 parameters : a canvas and the rectangle in which to display the preview. To provide a canvas for the preview, a PaintBox is choosen. This PaintBox is placed with alClient alignment on a form. As the intention is to let the grid paint its preview on the PaintBox canvas during the OnPaint event, a reference to the grid is needed in the form that holds the PaintBox. The form is declared in the following way :
type TPagePreview = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); private asg:tAdvStringGrid; { Private declarations } public constructor Create(aOwner:tComponent; aStringGrid:tAdvStringGrid); { Public declarations } end;
constructor TPagePreview.Create(aOwner:tComponent;aStringGrid:tAdvStringGrid); begin inherited Create(aOwner); asg:=aStringGrid; end;
procedure TPagePreview.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); begin asg.printpreview(paintbox1.canvas,paintbox1.clientrect); end;
var pagepreview:TPagePreview; begin pagepreview := TPagePreview.Create(Advstringgrid1); try pagepreview.ShowModal; finally pagepreview.Free; end; end;
procedure TForm1.AdvStringGrid1PrintSetColumnWidth(Sender:TObject; aCol: Integer; var width: Integer); begin width := strtoint(edit1.text)*10; end;
with AdvStringGrid1.PrintSettings do begin usefixedheight := True; fixedheight := strtoint(edit2.text)*10; leftsize := strtoint(edit3.text)*10; headersize := strtoint(edit4.text)*10; if checkbox1.Checked then Borders := pbSingle else Borders:=pbNoBorder; end;
var i:integer; begin i := strtoint(labelspage.text); if (arow>0) and (arow mod i=0) then newpage:=true; end;
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