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TMS Scripter
Saving/Loading compile code for scripter projects

When using standard Scripter component with a single script, you just need to call SaveCodeToFile and LoadCodeFromFile methods of scripter component to handle compiled code. When it comes to multi-script project using the Scripter Studio Pro engine, you must write extra code and save compiled code of all units (scripts). It's the same for loading: you must load compile code of all units. This is a pseudo-code example for saving compiled code:
for c := 0 to IDEEngine1.Files.Count - 1 do
  if not IDEEngine1.Files[i].Script.Compiled then

  AUnitName := IDEEngine1.Files[i].Script.ScriptInfo.UnitName;
  IDEEngine1.Files[o].Script.SaveCodeToFile(ABasePath + AUnitName + '.code');
To load the code, you just do the reverse. Pay attention to add directories to the search path where the compiled code is located, because scripter tries to load the compiled code for used units on the fly (if you load Unit1 and it uses Unit2, it tries to load Unit2 code by searching files in search path). Example:
with IDEScripter1 do
  {By setting the LibOptions properties below, you just need to load the script code for the main unit}
  LibOptions.UseScriptFiles := true;
  LibOptions.CompiledFileExt := '.code';

  {Load main unit only - the other units will be loaded on the fly based on the LibOptions settings}
  AddScript(slPascal).LoadCodeFromFile(ABasePath + MyMainUnitName + '.code');