In this newsletter...
New TMS MemInsight product release
TMS FlexCel v7.14
Upcoming webinar introducing our new GraphQL for Delphi tool
New TMS MemInsight product release
We are very excited to announce a new product TMS MemInsight in the TMS family that results out of the collaboration with long-time Delphi expert Stefan Meisner and the TMS team.
Whereas most memory allocation tracking tools are static, that is producing a report on application close or upon application crash, the difference with TMS MemInsight is that it is a dynamic memory allocation profiling tool that is used at run-time. This means that also while your application is running without issues, you can monitor where there are possibly performance issues due to consuming huge amounts of memory.
Hosted by: TMS Business Product manager & Embarcadero MVP Wagner Landgraf together with TMS FixInsight product manager & Embarcadero MVP Roman Yankovsky
We will explain what is GraphQL, what can it be use for, and then show how to use it from Delphi using the full GraphQL-spec complaint library "GraphQL for Delphi" including some live examples.
Official release of "GraphQL for Delphi Free Edition" and "GraphQL for Delphi" (registered license) will be during the webinar and attendants will get exclusive introductory discount coupons for the registered license.