The chart supports displaying a helper popup toolbar that offers various functionality such as changing the series type, fill and line color as well a specifying the marker type and label visibility. To enable the popup, set Popup.Enabled := True; AdvChartView1.Popup.Enabled := True; When clicking on a series point, slice, or bar depending on the chosen series type the popup will be shown and initialized based on the current settings of the series. ![]() The popup options can be configured via the Popup.Options property. This allows you to show more or less dropdown pickers depending on the series configuration. Below is a sample that demonstrates displaying the full set of options versus a limited set with line color, type and width. AdvChartView1.Popup.Options := AllOptions; ![]() AdvChartView1.Popup.Options := [ctpoStroke, ctpoLineStyle, ctpoLineWidth]; ![]() |
Here you can download a demo that shows how you can
You can easily toggle in the application between using TMS Office hints and regular hints via the code: begin if NormalHints.Checked then HintWindowClass := THintWindow else HintWindowClass := TAdvOfficeHintWindow; end; |
Example: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var pn, n: TAdvTreeViewNode; I: Integer; begin AdvCheckedTreeView1.BeginUpdate; AdvCheckedTreeView1.ClearNodes; AdvCheckedTreeView1.ClearColumns; AdvCheckedTreeView1.Columns.Add.Text := ''; AdvCheckedTreeView1.ColumnsAppearance.Layouts := []; AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.ShowLines := False; AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.LevelIndent := 0; AdvCheckedTreeView1.Color := RGB(51, 51, 51); AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.FontColor := clWhite; pn := AdvCheckedTreeView1.Nodes.Add; pn.Text[0] := 'Audi'; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'A3'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'A5'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'R8 Spyder'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; pn := AdvCheckedTreeView1.Nodes.Add; pn.Text[0] := 'Mercedes'; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'SLS'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'SLK'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'Maybach'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'Sports Tourer'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'Electric Drive'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; n := pn.Nodes.Add; n.Text[0] := 'Coupé'; n.CheckTypes[0] := tvntCheckBox; AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.ExpandNodeIcon.LoadFromFile('ExpandIcon.png'); AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.CollapseNodeIcon.LoadFromFile('CollapseIcon.png'); AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.ExpandWidth := 16; AdvCheckedTreeView1.NodesAppearance.ExpandHeight := 16; AdvCheckedTreeView1.EndUpdate; AdvCheckedTreeView1.ExpandAll; end; ![]() |
Example: uses DateUtils, Math, DB, FireDac.Comp.Client, FMX.TMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter, FMX.TMSFNCGrid; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const DBName = 'Sample.sdb'; FirstNames: array[0 .. 19] of string = ('John', 'Sarah', 'Fred', 'Beth', 'Eric', 'Tina', 'Thomas', 'Judy', 'Robert', 'Angela', 'Tim', 'Traci', 'David', 'Paula', 'Bruce', 'Jessica', 'Richard', 'Carla', 'James', 'Mary'); LastNames: array[0 .. 11] of string = ('Parker', 'Johnson', 'Jones', 'Thompson', 'Smith', 'Baker', 'Wallace', 'Harper', 'Parson', 'Edwards', 'Mandel', 'Stone'); var idx: Integer; ds: TDataSource; tbl: TFDMemTable; adapter: TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter; g: TTMSFNCGrid; begin g := TTMSFNCGrid.Create(Self); g.Parent := Self; tbl := TFDMemTable.Create(Self); tbl.FieldDefs.Add('ID', ftInteger, 0, True); tbl.FieldDefs.Add('Name', ftString, 20, True); tbl.FieldDefs.Add('Birthday', ftDateTime, 0, True); tbl.FieldDefs.Add('Salary', ftCurrency, 0, True); tbl.Open; tbl.DisableControls; try tbl.EmptyDataSet; for idx := 0 to 99999 do begin tbl.Append; tbl.FieldByName('ID').AsInteger := idx; tbl.FieldByName('Name').AsString := FirstNames[Random(20)] + ' ' + LastNames[Random(12)]; tbl.FieldByName('Birthday').AsDateTime := IncDay(Now, RandomRange(-10000, 10000)); tbl.FieldByName('Salary').AsFloat := 20000.0 + Random(600) * 100; tbl.Post; end; tbl.First; finally tbl.EnableControls; end; tbl.Active := True; ds := TDataSource.Create(nil); ds.DataSet := tbl; adapter := TTMSFNCGridDatabaseAdapter.Create(Self); g.Adapter := adapter; adapter.Grid := g; adapter.DataSource := ds; adapter.Active := True; end; ![]() |
Drop an instance of TTMSFNCHint on the form, set ShowHint to true on your component and set a Hint property. The hint can be HTML formatted based on the miniHTML reference. ![]() |
The best matching control for this purpose is the TTMSFMXTableView which is capable of fully customizing the appearance of the items. The following sample is based on a default TTMSFMXTableView: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var it: TTMSFMXTableViewItem; I: Integer; begin TMSFMXTableView1.BeginUpdate; TMSFMXTableView1.HeaderText := 'Conversation between Matt and John'; TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Clear; TMSFMXTableView1.LayoutMode := lmGroup; TMSFMXTableView1.FooterVisible := False; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'Matt'; it.Description := 'Hi John, when does the game begin?'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'John'; it.Description := 'Hi Matt, the game begins at 7:30 pm!'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'Matt'; it.Description := 'Thanks, are you going alone there or with a friend?'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'John'; it.Description := 'We are travelling with a couple of friends'+#13#10+'If you want, you may join us at 7:00 pm at the parking lot'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'Matt'; it.Description := 'Ok, I will be there'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'John'; it.Description := 'See you at the parking lot then !'; it := TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Add; it.Caption := 'John'; it.Description := 'Oh, and do not forget your tickets'; for I := 0 to TMSFMXTableView1.Items.Count - 1 do begin TMSFMXTableView1.Items[I].GroupIndex := I; TMSFMXTableView1.Items[I].AutoSize := True; TMSFMXTableView1.Items[I].DataString := TMSFMXTableView1.Items[I].Caption; end; TMSFMXTableView1.EndUpdate; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXTableView1ApplyStyleLookup(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXTableView1.GetHeaderRectangle.Fill.Color := claWhite; TMSFMXTableView1.GetHeaderRectangle.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; (TMSFMXTableView1.GetListBackGround as TRectangle).Fill.Color := claWhite; (TMSFMXTableView1.GetListBackGround as TRectangle).Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXTableView1ItemCustomize(Sender: TObject; AItem: TTMSFMXTableViewItem; AItemShape: TTMSFMXTableViewItemShape; AItemControlShape: TControl); begin if AItem.DataString = 'John' then begin AItemShape.Fill.Color := claSkyblue; AItemShape.Stroke.Color := claBlue; AItemShape.Margins.Left := 150; AItemShape.CaptionColor := claBlue; end else if AItem.DataString = 'Matt' then begin AItemShape.Fill.Color := claYellowgreen; AItemShape.Stroke.Color := claGreen; AItemShape.Margins.Right := 150; AItemShape.CaptionColor := claGreen; end; AItemShape.DescriptionColor := claWhite; end; ![]() |
There are two possible techniques:
Example 1: procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible := not TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible; if TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible then MapIsVisible := true; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InitMarkers; end; procedure TForm2.InitMarkers; begin TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Clear; TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Add(48.8, 2); TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Add(48.7, 2); end; procedure TForm2.TMSFMXWebGMaps1MapTilesLoad(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if MapIsVisible then begin MapIsVisible := false; InitMarkers; end; end; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible := not TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible; if TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Visible then MapIsVisible := true; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin InitMarkers; end; procedure TForm2.InitMarkers; begin TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Clear; TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Add(48.8, 2); TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Add(48.7, 2); end; procedure TForm2.TMSFMXWebGMaps1MapTilesLoad(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if MapIsVisible then begin MapIsVisible := false; for I := 0 to TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers.Count - 1 do TMSFMXWebGMaps1.CreateMapMarker(TMSFMXWebGMaps1.Markers[I]); end; end; |
When using the TLocationSensor and you wish to do a reverse geocoding call from the OnLocationChanged event on Android, you always have to use a TThread.Queue around your code to avoid network exceptions ( for example: "Project ABC.apk raised exception class EJNIException with message 'android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException'"). Example: procedure TForm1.LocationSensor1LocationChanged(Sender: TObject; const OldLocation, NewLocation: TLocationCoord2D); begin TThread.Queue(nil, procedure var cp: String; begin TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding1.Latitude := NewLocation.Latitude; TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding1.Longitude := NewLocation.Longitude; TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding1.LaunchReverseGeocoding; cp := TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding1.ResultAddress.PostalCode; end ); end; |
You can use the ItemStyle parameter of the OnItemRender event in the same way as the ItemStyle property of a list item. First add an item to the ItemStyles collection then use its name to apply the style to a specific list item. Example to use a red font color for the first item in the list: var si: TIWItemStylesItem; begin si := TIWResponsiveList1.ItemStyles.Add; si.ItemStyle.Font.Color := clWebRed; si.Name := 'RedFont'; procedure TformResponsiveList1.TIWResponsiveList1ItemRender(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; var ItemStyle: string); begin if Index = 0 then ItemStyle := 'RedFont'; end; |
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