Normally, when Planner.PositionGroups is set to a value and group captions are added via the Planner.Header.GroupCaptions stringlist, all groups have the same span set by Planner.PositionGroups. It is possible to add custom groups with a different position span per group. This is done via Planner.Header.CustomGroups. Example code applied to a default Planner: begin planner1.Positions := 10; planner1.PositionGroup := 1; planner1.Header.CustomGroups.Clear; with planner1.Header.CustomGroups.Add do begin Caption := 'A'; Span := 2; end; with planner1.Header.CustomGroups.Add do begin Caption := 'B'; Span := 3; end; with planner1.Header.CustomGroups.Add do begin Caption := 'C'; Span := 4; end; end; ![]() |
To do this, make sure the tab is visible when it is not selected by setting AdvOfficePager1.ShowNonSelectedTabs = true and then set custom tab appearance colors for normal & selected state of the tab with: // make sure the default style color is used AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := false; // initialization of colors AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.Color := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorTo := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirror := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorTo := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorSelected := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorSelectedTo := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorSelected := clRed; AdvOfficePager12.TabAppearance.ColorMirrorSelectedTo := clRed; To draw attention to the tab, now let the tab switch between the default style color and the custom color via a timer: procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if DoAttention then AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := not AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance else AdvOfficePager12.UseTabAppearance := false; end; |
Setup the location for the INI file: VaComm.SettingsStore.Key := '.\mycomsettings.ini'; VaComm.SettingsStore.Sections := 'COMPARAMS'; VaComm.SettingsStore.Location := slINIFile; Do actual save & load of the settings with: VaComm.SaveSettings; VaComm.LoadSettings; |
How to set the language for a synthesized text with TAdvMSBingSpeech / TMSFMXCloudBingSpeech. Use the VoiceFont parameter of the Synthesize call to change the language of the resulting audio. Besides English there are several other languages available, including German, French and Spanish. You can also choose to use a Female or Male voice. Example: MSBingSpeech1.Synthesize(Text, Stream, bvGermanDEFemale); |
Automatically zoom the map to display all markers. Example: WebGMaps1.MapZoomTo(WebGMaps1.Markers.Bounds); |
With the release of the TMS FNC UI Pack we have introduced a TMS FNC Core separation. This means the TMS FNC Core needs to be installed as a prerequisite in order to successfully install the TMS FNC UI Pack. Apart from this separation, the new core setup will not introduce breaking changes in your application, as the file names for both the TMS FNC Core and TMS FNC UI Pack have remained the same. The separation gives us the benefit of writing components that all rely on a single core, instead of duplicating units that offer exactly the same features in multiple component sets. All current and future TMS FNC products will build upon this common core. Custom Component Development for FNCNow the TMS FNC Core is released, you'll have a series of units available that can be used to write custom components yourself for our FNC framework.[FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCBitmapContainer.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCCustomComponent.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCCustomControl.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCCustomScrollControl.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCGraphics.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCGraphicsTypes.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCHTMLEngine.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCStyles.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCTypes.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCURLBitmapContainer.pas [FMX.][VCL.][LCL]TMSFNCUtils.pas Note that with this set of units, you are able to write a custom component from scratch. A tutorial on writing a custom component can be found in this blog post: |
There are 2 ways you can achieve this. You can add a disabled range of dates that cannot be selected, but they will be visible. You can achieve this by implementing the OnIsDateTimeDisabled event. The second way is to use the pmCustom planner mode that can be used in combination with CustomDateTimes list as demonstrated in the following sample. TMSFNCPlanner1.BeginUpdate; TMSFNCPlanner1.Mode := pmCustom; for I := 0 to 8 do TMSFNCPlanner1.CustomDateTimes.Add(IncMinute(EncodeDateTime(2017, 2, 22, 11, 0, 0, 0), 15 * I)); for I := 0 to 9 do TMSFNCPlanner1.CustomDateTimes.Add(IncMinute(EncodeDateTime(2017, 2, 22, 14, 0, 0, 0), 20 * I)); TMSFNCPlanner1.TimeLine.DisplayUnitFormat := 'h mm AMPM'; TMSFNCPlanner1.TimeLineAppearance.LeftSize := 80; TMSFNCPlanner1.EndUpdate; ![]() |
You can programmatically change the vertical scroll position with: TMSFNCPlanner1.VerticalScrollBar.Position := scrollpos TMSFNCPlanner1.HorizontalScrollBar.Position := scrollpos; |
The following code shows you how to send a selected image to a specific topic on the broker: procedure TMQTTExampleForm.SetProfilePictureButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var fs: TFileStream; payload: TBytes; begin SelectProfileImageDialog.Filter := 'JPG images|*.jpg'; if (SelectProfileImageDialog.Execute) then begin fs := TFileStream.Create(SelectProfileImageDialog.FileName, fmOpenRead); try SetLength(payload, fs.Size); fs.Read(payload[0], fs.Size); MQTTClient.Publish('myapp/profile/image', payload); finally fs.Free; end; end; end; procedure TMQTTExampleForm.PublishReceived(ASender: TObject; APacketID: Word; ATopic: string; APayload: TBytes); var fs: TBytesStream; begin if (ATopic = 'myapp/profile/image') then begin fs := TBytesStream.Create(APayload); try fs.SaveToFile('c:\temp\mqtt\profile-image.jpg'); finally fs.Free; end; end; end; |
As always, we thank all users for the numerous inputs, feedback, comments and suggestions. This is an invaluable help to steer our developments here at TMS software. We continue to look forward to all your further communications to direct our team to provide you better tools and components for your needs.
Kind regards,
TMS software team
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