If disjunct column selection is enabled with grid.MouseActions.DisjunctColSelect = true, the number of disjunct selected columns can be retrieved via: grid.ColSelectCount: integer; To get the columns that are selected , you can use: for I := 0 to advstringgrid1.ColCount - 1 do begin if advstringgrid1.ColSelect[i] then // ... end; |
Drop a TAdvStringGrid and TAdvGridColumnPicker on the form and add following code: procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var s: string; ini: TINIFile; begin AdvStringGrid1.LinearFill(true); AdvStringGrid1.SetColumnOrder; AdvStringGrid1.Options := AdvStringGrid1.Options + [goColMoving, goColSizing]; AdvGridColumnPicker1.Grid := AdvStringGrid1; ini := TINIFile.Create('.\gridsettings.ini'); s := ini.ReadString('GRID','SETTINGS', ''); ini.Free; if s <> '' then begin AdvStringGrid1.StringToColumnStates(s); AdvGridColumnPicker1.Init; end; end; In the form constructor, we are reloading the persisted settings for column with, position, visibility from the INI file and initializing grid and column picker with these settings. procedure TForm4.FormClose(Sender:TObject;var Action:TCloseAction); var s: string; ini: TINIFile; begin s := AdvStringGrid1.ColumnStatesToString; ini := TINIFile.Create('.\gridsettings.ini'); ini.WriteString('GRID','SETTINGS', s); ini.Free; end; |
You can retrieve the real node and cast it to a TAdvDirectoryTreeViewNode to retrieve the FileName: procedure TForm1.AdvDirectoryTreeView1AfterSelectNode(Sender: TObject; ANode: TAdvTreeViewVirtualNode); var tn: TAdvDirectoryTreeViewNode; s: string; begin tn := (ANode.Node as TAdvDirectoryTreeViewNode); s := tn.FileName; end; |
Set AdvEdit.ExcelStyleDecimalSeparator = true |
When you have set a value for the location in the registry where you want to persist the location, you can either set AdvDockPanel.Persistence.Enabled = true and the dockpanel with load the settings itself or you can programmatically call AdvDockPanel.SaveToolBarsPosition AdvDockPanel.LoadToolBarsPosition to do this programmatically at the time you want. |
The TMSFMXPlannerDatabaseAdapter component has an OnFieldsToItem event that can be used to bind additional values to properties that are not bindable through the database adapter item property. The following code should be able to accomplish this: procedure TForm1.TMSFMXPlannerDatabaseAdapter1FieldsToItem(Sender: TObject; AFields: TFields; AItem: TTMSFMXPlannerItem); begin AItem.DataString := AFields.FieldByName('DataField').AsString; end; |
You need to pass the indexes of the items you wish to select to the SelectItems call. Example: procedure TForm1.SelectAllItems; var a: TTMSFMXPlannerItemArray; i: integer; begin SetLength(a, TMSFMXPlanner1.Items.Count); for i := 0 to TMSFMXPlanner1.Items.Count - 1 do a[I] := TMSFMXPlanner1.Items[I].Index; TMSFMXPlanner1.SelectItems(a); end; |
You can manually add a button to the TTMSFMXDateTimeEdit with the following code: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var btn: TButton; img: TImage; begin btn := TButton.Create(TMSFMXDateTimeEdit1); btn.Parent := TMSFMXDateTimeEdit1; btn.Align := TAlignLayout.MostRight; btn.Width := 20; btn.Text := 'X'; btn.OnClick := TodayClick; img := TImage.Create(btn); img.Parent := btn; img.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; img.HitTest := False; img.WrapMode := TImageWrapMode.Center; img.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('C:\Users\Pieter\Pictures\Icons\led-icons\calendar_1.png'); end; procedure TForm1.TodayClick(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXDateTimeEdit1.DateTime := Now; end; ![]() |
You can add images, and clear the text in the style designer window, available after right-clicking the component and selecting "Edit Custom Style". Programmatically this can be done with the following code: procedure TForm1.TMSFMXSlider1ApplyStyleLookup(Sender: TObject); var el: TFMXObject; img: TImage; begin el := TMSFMXSlider1.GetOnElement; if Assigned(el) then begin (el.FindStyleResource('ontextelement') as TText).Text := ''; img := TImage.Create(el); img.Parent := el; img.Align := TAlignLayout.Left; img.Margins.Left := 10; img.HitTest := False; img.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('onimage.png'); img.Width := img.Bitmap.Width; img.Height := img.Bitmap.Height; end; el := TMSFMXSlider1.GetOffElement; if Assigned(el) then begin (el.FindStyleResource('offtextelement') as TText).Text := ''; img := TImage.Create(el); img.Parent := el; img.Align := TAlignLayout.Right; img.Margins.Right := 10; img.HitTest := False; img.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('offimage.png'); img.Width := img.Bitmap.Width; img.Height := img.Bitmap.Height; end; end; ![]() |
Always make sure the image file is accessible by the IntraWeb application. In general this means you can put the image files in a subfolder called “wwwroot” of the folder where the executable of your IntraWeb project is generated. Then you can access the image files using a relative path. Example: procedure TIWForm1.TIWAdvWebGrid1GetCellData(Sender: TObject; RowIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer; var AValue: string); begin if ColumnIndex = 1 then AValue := '<img src="filename.png">'; end; |
As always, we thank all users for the numerous inputs, feedback, comments and suggestions. This is an invaluable help to steer our developments here at TMS software. We continue to look forward to all your further communications to direct our team to provide you better tools and components for your needs.
Kind regards,
TMS software team
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