There are 2 different methods of providing credentials to the Google Maps API when working with TMS WebGMaps: 1. Regular Google Maps access API Key This key identifies your project to check quotas and access. At the Google Developers Console, go to "API Manager", "Credentials" to view your existing API Key(s) or create a new one. You can assign this key to the APIKey property. 2. Google Maps for Work access Client ID and Signature These credentials identify your Google Maps for Work project. After sign up for Google Maps for Work you should receive the required information. You can assign these to the APIClientID and APISignature properties. |
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TMS FlexCel for VCL & FireMonkey:
How to create an Excel file with a gradient in a cell, a protected sheet and an autofilter |
Excel files can be very complex, and guessing how to for example add a gradient to a cell, or protect a sheet, or add an autofilter can get difficult. To make it easier, FlexCel provides a very useful tool named APIMate that can "convert" an Excel file into FlexCel code, for either Delphi or C++ Builder. ![]() It works like this: You create a file in Excel, and open it in APIMate (without closing Excel). It will tell you the Delphi or C++ code needed to create the file. Then you can make changes in Excel, save the file, and press “Refresh” in APIMate (all without closing Excel). It will tell you the code you need to modify the file from the old state to the new one. We are now in position to answer the question at the top of this section: How to create a file with a gradient in a cell, a protected sheet and an autofilter? I created a simple file with those things in Excel, and APIMate gives back this code: procedure CreateFile(const xls: TExcelFile); var fmt: TFlxFormat; GradientStops: TArray<TGradientStop>; SheetProtectionOptions: TSheetProtectionOptions; begin xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2010); //Create a new Excel file with 3 sheets. //Set the names of the sheets xls.ActiveSheet := 1; xls.ActiveSheet := 1; //Set the sheet we are working in. //Global Workbook Options xls.OptionsCheckCompatibility := false; //Printer Settings xls.PrintXResolution := 600; xls.PrintYResolution := 600; xls.PrintOptions := [TPrintOptions.Orientation]; fmt := xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(3, 1); fmt.FillPattern.Pattern := TFlxPatternStyle.Gradient; SetLength(GradientStops, 2); GradientStops[0].Position := 0; GradientStops[0].Color := TExcelColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Background1); GradientStops[1].Position := 1; GradientStops[1].Color := TExcelColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1); fmt.FillPattern.Gradient := TExcelLinearGradient_Create(GradientStops, 90); xls.SetCellFormat(3, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt)); //AutoFilter xls.SetAutoFilter(1, 3, 5); //Protection SheetProtectionOptions := TSheetProtectionOptions.Create(false); SheetProtectionOptions.Contents := true; SheetProtectionOptions.Objects := true; SheetProtectionOptions.Scenarios := true; SheetProtectionOptions.SelectLockedCells := true; SheetProtectionOptions.SelectUnlockedCells := true; xls.Protection.SetSheetProtection('******', SheetProtectionOptions); end; APIMate is not the panacea for all the questions, but it helps a lot answering many of those "how do I?" doubts. Remember to use it. |
This option saves space and indicates useful progress information to users when different processes are handled in different tabs. To enable progress on the tab, this can be configured via TAdvOfficePage.Progress: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin AdvOfficePager11.Caption := 'Tab with progress'; AdvOfficePager11.Progress.Visible := true; AdvOfficePager11.Progress.Position := 25; // set this to true to make tab also visible when it is not selected: AdvOfficePager1.ShowNonSelectedTabs := true; end; ![]() The progress class has further properties to customize the progressbar colors / background colors. |
By default, calling AdvPanelGroup.AddPanel will create and insert an instance of TCustomAdvPanel in the AdvPanelGroup. You can override this by setting the class to create via AdvPanelGroup1.PanelClass. Note that the class to be created must descend from TCustomAdvPanel. Example: This is a custom created TAdvPanel class that automatically adds a button the panel: type TMyCustomPanel = class(TAdvPanel) private FButton: TButton; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Button: TButton read FButton; end; { TMyCustomPanel } constructor TMyCustomPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FButton := TButton.Create(Self); FButton.Parent := Self; FButton.Top := 30; FButton.Left := 20; FButton.Caption := 'OK'; end; destructor TMyCustomPanel.Destroy; begin FButton.Free; inherited; end; begin AdvPanelGroup1.PanelClass := TMyCustomPanel; AdvPanelGroup1.AddPanel; end; ![]() |
You can change the default color with the following code: procedure TForm1.TMSFMXTileList1CustomizeTileBadge(Sender: TObject; ATile: TTMSFMXTile; ATileBadge: TControl); var r: TControl; begin (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).NeedStyleLookup; (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).ApplyStyleLookup; r := (ATile.ShapeBadge as TTMSFMXBadge).GetContent; if Assigned(r) then begin (r as TRoundRect).Fill.Color := claLimegreen; (r as TRoundRect).Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; (r as TRoundRect).Stroke.Color := claGreen; end; end; ![]() |
You can add a bitmap at selection with the following code: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TMSFMXPlanner1.SelectionAppearance.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.None; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXPlanner1AfterDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRectF; ACol, ARow: Integer; AStartTime, AEndTime: TDateTime; APosition: Integer; AKind: TTMSFMXPlannerCacheItemKind); var bmp: TBitmap; begin if (ARow = TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Row) and (ACol = TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Col) then begin bmp := TBitmap.Create; bmp.LoadFromFile('MyImage'); try ACanvas.DrawBitmap(bmp, RectF(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), RectF(ARect.Right - bmp.Width, ARect.Top + (ARect.Height - bmp.Height) / 2, ARect.Right, ARect.Top + (ARect.Height - bmp.Height) / 2 + bmp.Height), 1); finally bmp.Free; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.TMSFMXPlanner1BeforeDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRectF; ACol, ARow: Integer; AStartTime, AEndTime: TDateTime; APosition: Integer; AKind: TTMSFMXPlannerCacheItemKind; var AAllow, ADefaultDraw: Boolean); begin if (ARow >= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.StartCell.Row) and (ARow <= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Row) and (ACol >= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.StartCell.Col) and (Acol <= TMSFMXPlanner1.Selection.EndCell.Col) then begin ACanvas.Fill.Assign(TMSFMXPlanner1.SelectionAppearance.Fill); ACanvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.Solid; end; end; ![]() |
You can access each cell and its properties in the OnGetCellProperties event: procedure TForm1.TMSFMXGrid1GetCellProperties(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Cell: TFmxObject); var p: TTMSFMXProgressBar; begin if Cell is TTMSFMXProgressGridCell then begin p := (Cell as TTMSFMXProgressGridCell).ProgressBar; p.ShowText := False; end; end; |
When using 2 IWRegion controls that each contain an IWEdit control in combination with a TIWIPhonePageTransition control. If the user presses the "< " ">" keys to move to the next or previous field, they can reach a field on a region that is not being displayed. The display will even show portions of both regions simultaneously. Solution: You can set the Enabled property of the IWEdit controls on the non-visual IWRegion controls to false. Then set it to true again when TransitionToNext or TransitionToPrevious is called. Example: procedure TIWForm8.TIWIPhoneHeader1AsyncRightButtonClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList); begin IWEdit1.Enabled := false; IWEdit2.Enabled := true; TIWIPhonePageTransition1.TransitionToNext; end; procedure TIWForm8.TIWIPhoneHeader2AsyncLeftButtonClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList); begin IWEdit1.Enabled := true; IWEdit2.Enabled := False; TIWIPhonePageTransition1.TransitionToPrevious; end; |
As always, we thank all users for the numerous inputs, feedback, comments and suggestions. This is an invaluable help to steer our developments here at TMS software. We continue to look forward to all your further communications to direct our team to provide you better tools and components for your needs.
Kind regards,
TMS software team
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