
How do I add the editing option in code or remove it instead of adding the option at design time ?

  webstringgrid1.Options := webstringgrid1.Options + [goEditing];


procedure TForm1.WebButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
  WebDBGrid1.Options := WebDBGrid1.Options + [goediting];
  if goediting in WebDBGrid1.Options then
    showmessage('Editing true')
    showmessage('Editing false');

procedure TForm1.WebButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
  WebDBGrid1.Options := WebDBGrid1.Options - [goediting];
  if goediting in WebDBGrid1.Options then
    showmessage('Editing true')
    showmessage('Editing false');


Added these two codes to check enabling and disabling editing to the dbgrid. It always remains in edit mode. I tried this in your webdbgrid demo program 

Also if I want to enable editing only certain columns how can that be done

I added two buttons to the DBGrid demo with your exact code but I couldn't see an issue with this.
It shows correct if the grid is in editing or not.
Are you use the latest version TMS WEB Core 1.4?
If so, please provide exact/detailed information + steps to understand and reproduce

It shows that it is in edit mode or not. But when you go to the grid and edit the column you can edit the contents of the grid irrespective of the status

As a matter of fact in you demo program without any change Press F2 or F3 in text fields  and you will see F2 in the column and then you will be able to edit though it has goEditing is false

Ok, the important detail was the start of editing via F2.

We've seen an issue with this and have corrected this. This will be fixed in the next update.

Also How do I make some columns read only and some editable ?

You'd need to toggle goEditing in grid.Options at this moment.
We'll add an event triggered before editing that will also allow to control this. The next update will have this event.

I do not see a before editing event added to the grid. Or what event do I use to make a few columns editable

You can use OnCanEditCell