Xdata webclient

I created a Xdata webclient using the wizard. On compiling I am a getting an error undeclared identifier TJSHTMLElementRecord

That error happens because TMS XData is already adapted to TMS Web Core 1.4, which introduces a breaking change in that regard.
Since it just affects the wizard, we decided to keep it as is and wait for 1.4. A beta is already available.

I got the same error with Web core

I then installed Web Core 1.4 but the got the following error when running the wizard and compile:

[Error] Bcl.Utils.pju(1): [20180319155703] expected A:TPasArgument.ArgType=Integer:TPasAliasType, but found Double:TPasUnresolvedSymbolRef

Hi Nols, I see you have also sent the same request to the TMS Web Core training course area, and mentioned you have solved it there. So I assume all is ok now?
