Polygon tagstring label not visible

I can't get polyline or polygon labels to display on Google map.

I have set PolygonLabel.visible := true after clearing map of objects and before drawing polylines and polygons.

Then when when creating each polyline and polygon I set the .tagstring := some text string (while setting other properties), then I call CreateMapPolyline.

All of the objects draw on the map fine, but no tagstring label appears when hovering over them (the objects are responding to mouse hover over, as I manage to change their colour).

Any suggestions? am I doing things in the right order? Am I missing a key step? Do I need to update objects after creating them?


Please note that the TagString property is only used for internal reference.
Unfortunately it's currently not supported to display a label or hint for polylines and polygons.
However, this is a good suggestion and we'll consider adding this feature in a future version if it's supported by the Google Maps API.

As an alternative you could add an additional marker to the map with the MapLabel.Text assigned.

Thanks Bart for the quick reply :-), I will try some markers as you suggest.

PS I was trying to use the TagString because the user guide suggested this was possible.  Perhaps you could update the guide to clarify the situation?  
I am reading p18 of the TMS VCL WebGMaps Developers Guide (v2.9.9 code):  "PolygonLabel: Configure the appearance of the Polygon/Polyline hints. (If a value is assigned to the TagString property of a Polygon or Polyline, this will be displayed as a hint when the Polygon or Polyline is hovered and PolygonLabel.Visible is set to True)."

< ="text/">
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Calibri}

You are correct.
I was confusing TagString with another property.

The TagString value should indeed be displayed as a hint when hovering a polygon object.

  p: TPolygonItem;
  p := WebGMaps1.Polygons.Add;
  p.Polygon.PolygonType := ptCircle;
  p.Polygon.Center.Latitude := WebGMaps1.MapOptions.DefaultLatitude;
  p.Polygon.Center.Longitude := WebGMaps1.MapOptions.DefaultLongitude;
  p.Polygon.Radius := 10000;
  p.Polygon.TagString := 'Hello World';


Please make sure you are adding the polygon after the DownloadFinish event was triggered.