Supporting other Widget sets and responsive layout


Just subscribed to TMS All-access to have a look at your highly promising web core stuff. So far I love it.

I know that programmers don't have eyes for that, but I guess you are somewhat aware that right now things look extremely ugly to the end user. Nobody should try to port a windows desktop application look to the web. So here are a couple of suggestions/questions:

  1. Adding support for a better-looking Widget set, ideally one that supports themes, would be great. Webix looks clean, lean and great. ExtJS would be a "fat" alternative. OpenUI5 also would be an option.

    Any starters on how/where support for such a widget set would need to be added? I would also be interested in paying someone for custom development in that area.

  2. You need to seperate markup and styles. Right now it appears to be pretty impossible to prevent stuff to look like a nightmare - it looks like each and every component will keep its own font and style settings, and do stuff like "this.FFont.SetName("Tahoma");". No easy way to fix this by adding your own CSS. What are your plans in this area?

  3. Stuff needs to be responsive these days. The form designer does not really support that, or does it? Doing fixed-size form layouts like we did in the Desktop days won't cut it. (UniGUI has the same problem, by the way). If the item above is addressed, this can be fixed by putting stuff into responsive containers by adding custom CSS/JS. But any ideas on how you could support responsive layouts directly in the form designer?
Keep up the good work!

1. The first step in the plan is to offer the jQWidgets UI control set and this control set can be styled (via CSS). After this, we'll consider other UI control sets and will let demand steer the choice.
2. Via the ElementClassName property, you can bind CSS style to UI controls. See the Basics\Bootstrap demo. Via ElementID, you can bind controls to HTML elements, i.e. bind to design that was fully done in HTML/CSS. See the Basics\HTML Template demo.
3. Responsive can at this moment be reached via binding to HTML/CSS that defines the responsive behavior. See also the Basics\HTML Template demo for this as this implements a responsive design. We also want to bring capabilties directly at control level and accessible via the designer, but this is still in research.