Lookup fields in XDataWebDataset

In case a lookup value does not exist in the lookup table it gives an error 

Invalid type conversion to Invalid value for field '%s' in field Distribution_emailid | fMessage::Invalid type conversion to Invalid value for field '%s' in field

Will it be possible to just show it as blank ?

Please provide more details, steps to reproduce the issue, etc.. Lookup here seems to be working fine.

This is how I have defined the Lookup field. I have the dbService which is used for the lookup
dbservicespecs is the table in which the lookup field has been defined
I am getting the following error
Can you please advice what seems to be the issue ?

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/GRBXxCM"><a href="//imgur.com/a/GRBXxCM"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

sorry should be just http://imgur.com/a/GRBXxCM

Forgot to paste the error

Lookup information for field 'ServiceName' is incomplete | fMessage::Lookup information for field 'ServiceName' is incomplete fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/BASF/BASF.js [46748:5]

Sorry I did not have the key field defined in the previous screen shot.

This is the correct Link
The error I get for the lookup is 
Invalid type conversion to Invalid value for field '%s' in field ServiceName | fMessage::Invalid type conversion to Invalid value for field '%s' in field ServiceName fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/dataAccess/dataAccess.js [84385:15]

Sorry, but it's hard to take a guess like this. Can you please send us a project we can compile and run here to reproduce the problem?

I was trying to make a demo program for you. I am using mssql for my project but converted a few table to send to you to sqlite. The demo program works fine with sqlite but not with mssql. Let me do some more study and get back to you. I am using xdata 

As Requested I am sending you the demo program along with a xdata server program and sqlite database

Thank you. It was very helpful, and we were able to reproduce and fix the issue. Next TMS Web Core release will include the fix.