Clone Chart in C++


I've been working in Rad Studio 10.3.2 (C++ Builder) with the TChart component.  It has flaked out enough that i'm now trying TMS FNC Chart hoping for more stability.  In my present approach i have a template chart that i clone when the user adds a chart to the display.  Below is how i do it with the TChart.  How can I do similar with the TMS FNC Chart?

TChart *C = new TChart(Form1);
C->Parent = Form1->Laytout1;
CloneChart(C, Form->ChartTemplate, Form1, false);

Alternatively, how can i create a new TMS FNC Chart at runtime and set its properties and add series etc.?

thank you,
To clarify - i'm just trying to figure out how to plot x-y data in a C++Builder FMX app.  I tried to follow along with the example starting bottom page 23 of but I can't translate the Delphi code to C++.

Anyone able to convert the code below to C++ Builder to give me a jump start?

var   I: Integer;   s: TTMSFNCChartSerie;
begin   TMSFNCChart1.BeginUpdate;   TMSFNCChart1.Clear;   TMSFNCChart1.Series.Add; //adds ?Serie 0? by default   TMSFNCChart1.Series.Add; //adds ?Serie 1? by default
  s := TMSFNCChart1.SerieByName['Serie 0'];   for I := 0 to 7 do     s.AddPoint(Random(100));
  s := TMSFNCChart1.SerieByName['Serie 1'];   for I := 0 to 7 do     s.AddPoint(Random(100));
  TMSFNCChart1.EndUpdate; end;
var   I: Integer;   s: TTMSFNCChartSerie; begin   TMSFNCChart1.BeginUpdate;   TMSFNCChart1.Clear;   s := TMSFNCChart1.Series.Add;   s.LegendText := 'Mercedes';   TMSFNCChart1.EndUpdate; end;
var   s: TTMSFNCChartSerie; begin   s := TMSFNCChart1.SerieByName['Mercedes'];   for I := 0 to 7 do     s.AddPoint(Random(100)); end;

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