TMS FMX UI Pack Installer errors


Where can I find installation errors of TMS FMX UI Pack installer ?
pack version was installed and working, but since I tried to install, I can't find the components anymore... I tried reinstalling multiple times this version and previous one but bpl is nowhere to be found.
Many other components from TMS are installed/updated and working (many TMS VCL, TMS FNC, TMS Business)


Under Delphi Rio 10.3
Windows 10

Already checked RSVARS.BAT (already installed and working components so that's not the point here)
I went back to the matter today; it was because of TMS WEB Core update that added a library link to
...\TMS WEB Core RSXE12\Core Source\RTL
that contains sources with {$mode objfpc} hanging Delphi compiler and preventing from installing ANY other component.

Simply removing this reference did it.