TMS Smooth Controls Pack
Your applications never get a second chance on a first impression. Use feature-rich sophisticated looking & smoothly animated controls.
Feature overview
TAdvSmoothWin8Marquee- Windows 8 marquee progress indicator
- Smoothly animated customizeable bullet shapes
- Predefined Windows and Office Styles
- Customizable Fill background
- Optionally transparent background

- Smoothly animated rotary menu
- Normal, hover, down and disabled Fill per item
- Ability to show in a popup with animation
- Different animation modes and types
- Complex gradient shadows and fills
- Configurable Size, Start and Stop Angle
- Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 styles

- Smoothly animated circular progress
- Inner, Outer, Progress and Background Fill
- Complex gradient shadows and fills
- Circular progress indication and customizable digits
- Mouse Interaction to change position
- Configurable Steps
- Marquee support
- Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 styles

- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Metro style
- Header Footer and BackGround appearance fill style
- Smoothly animated drill down page slider
- HTML support in Header and Footer caption
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Complex gradients with opacity
- Custom drawing
- Different states for each tile: normal, hover, selected, maximized
- Different appearances for each tile
- ImageList and GDI+ PictureContainer support
- Support for HTML formatted text
- Keyboard support and mouse handling
- Programmatic interaction
- Header and footer navigation
- Content and Maximized Content visualizers
- Animation transitions
- Delete and Move inside tile list
- Automatic paging
- Columns and Rows
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style

- iPhone-style smoothly animated listbox
- Bubble message list
- Listbox items can have Caption, Info text as well as HTML formatted notes with hyperlink & image support
- Listbox items can have checkbox, radiobutton, image, detailimage,...
- Header & footer with sophisticated fills and image support
- Keyboard lookup support
- Smooth mouse slide effects
- Lookup indicator for instant lookup in alphabet
- Support for Item groups with splitter between items
- Detail control per item or global detail control with animation to show detail
- All elements feature sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills with optional opacity control
- Built-in support for using BMP,JPEG,GIF and PNG images with alpha transparency
- Anti-aliased drawing
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- Data-aware version included

- Brings the mega menu concept available on the web to desktop applications
- Menu with different sections, items in columns, break, separator items and more
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- Support for PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP images
- Customizable DropDown Position
- Floating submenu's with tear-off functionality
- Complex gradient fills with optional opacity in all parts of the menu
- HTML formatted text support
- Top layer / hover items with HTML support
- Support for embedded controls
- Built-In support for checkbox, radiobutton and edit control

- Configurable keys, configurable size
- Automatic highlighting of Shift / Alt-Gr key values
- Automatic display of shift state
- Customizable background color or image for normal & down state
- Popup version that can automatically follow focus control
- Method to load & save keyboard layouts
- Keys can have text or images
- Different keys can have different colors
- Sub keys when pressing a key
- Autocompletion list that popups up when typing
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Smoothly animated dock bar
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Progress and background appearance fill style
- 3D platform fill
- Collection of dock items with many properties
- Item appearance with hover, selected, disabled and normal states
- Internal and OLE DragDrop support
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- All elements feature sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills with foreground and backgroundpicture support
- Progress bar to indicate current status
- Fade in/out animation before splash screen appears
- Basic program information to obtain program name and version
- Top Layer items with opacity control to improve the look of the splash screen
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Full opacity control
- Buttons with separate button result
- HTML text support
- Office Styles
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- On / Off state with separate appearance and font
- Office style
- Complex gradients with full opacity control
- Keyboard and mouse handling
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- Data-aware version included

- Office Styles
- Scalable pagesize
- Complex graphics with separate scroll button and thumb button fills
- Horizontal and Vertical mode
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Office styles
- Complex gradients with full opacity control
- Moveable indicators with different shapes
- Customizable sections with floating hints
- Data-aware version included
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Smoothly animated gauge with complex gradients
- Animated needle pointer
- Digit value led display
- Informative dialtext
- Minimum and maximum with division and subdivisions
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- CircleStartValue and CircleEndValue to set partial visibility of gauge
- Logarithmic scale
- Extra needles

- Smoothly animated jogwheel with complex gradients and shadows
- Indicator to mark current value with different shapes and Picture support
- Different color and brightness for each mode
- Vertical and horizontal direction
- Animationfactor to change the speed of the animation
- Editable grip size and spacing
- Comes with three modes: Continuous, Cue and AutoCue

- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Support for top, left, right, bottom tabs
- Page appearance fill style
- Tab appearance button fill style
- Tab button with picture and caption
- Tab status indicator
- Tab reorder
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Smoothly animated trackbar
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Progress and background appearance fill style
- Minimum, maximum and step with tickmarks
- Complex thumb, with fill support
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Smoothly animated progress bar
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Progress and background fill
- Complex gradient shadows and bevels
- Progress value with support for Progress and normal font
- Optional glow animation and progress animation
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Complex fill status indicator
- Is supported in TAdvSmoothCalendar, TAdvSmoothToggleButton, TAdvSmoothButton and TAdvSmoothTabPager

- Transparent background or background fill
- Sophisticated opacity selection & background fill, including gradient, texture, hatch fills
- Optional shadow on background fill
- Optional rounded corners
- 7-Segment leds
- Data-aware version included

- Smooth toggle button with rounded gradient
- Rounded optional bevel with separate color styles
- Support for DropDownMenu / DropDownControl
- Fully automatic gradient color calculation from single color property
- Button can have image of caption text
- Image supports PNG with alpha transparency
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- iPhone style spinner control
- Spinner with selectable number of columns with numeric data, date/time data and custom data
- Optional infinite scrolling
- Keyboard support
- Smooth mouse scroll effects
- All elements feature sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills with optional opacity control
- Built-in support for using BMP,JPEG,GIF and PNG images with alpha transparency for custom data items
- Anti-aliased drawing
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style

- iPhone application button with rounded gradient
- Fully automatic gradient color calculation from single color property
- Button can have image of caption text
- Image supports PNG with alpha transparency
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Calendar with sophisticated opacity and fill
- Includes month selector, year selector views
- Single date select or date range selection
- Support for background images, texture fill, gradients, hatch
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Optional animation between next/prev month, month selector, year selector
- Optional ISO calculated week number indication
- Optional Today indication and "goto today" footer
- Optional shadow
- Anti aliasing support
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Calendar group with sophisticated opacity and fill
- Single date select or date range selection
- Support for background images, texture fill, gradients
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Optionally shows arrows to navigate to previous and next month
- Columns and Rows to display a set of calendars in a specific month - year interval
- TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for instant switch between Office 2003 / Office 2007 styles

- Font with support for gradient, texture, hatch fills
- Transparent background or background fill
- Sophisticated opacity selection & background fill, including gradient, texture, hatch fills
- Optional shadow on background fill
- Optional rounded corners
- Data-aware version included

- Calculator with sophisticated opacity and fill
- Support for background images, texture fill, gradients, hatch
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- DropDown version
- 4 extra buttons for additional functionality

- Animated menu with hover menu hint text per menuitem
- Can be transparent or have sophisticated gradient, texture or hatch fills
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Optional animation when switching or hovering menu items and showing hint text & image per menu item
- Built-in support for using BMP,JPEG,GIF and PNG images with alpha transparency
- Anti-aliased drawing
- TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for instant switch between Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10, Terminal styles

- Rounded borders & shadow support
- Anti-aliased drawing
- Opacity control
- Sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills
- Separate caption with optional font fill / underline
- Background & foreground image at various positions with BMP, JPEG, GIF and full PNG alpha transparency support
- HTML formatted panel content with optional hyperlinks, HTML specified images, ...
- TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for instant switch between Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 / Office 2013 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Terminal styles
- PictureContainer for sharing / reusing BMP,JPEG,GIF,PNG images
- TGDIPButton container
- Expandable collapsable panel
- Support for grouping TAdvSmoothExpanderButtonPanel with TAdvSmoothExpanderGroup

- Combobox items can have Caption, Info text as well as HTML formatted notes with hyperlink & image support
- Combobox items can have checkbox, radiobutton, image, detailimage,...
- Dropdown header & footer with sophisticated fills and image support
- Keyboard lookup support
- Progressbar support in items
- Item grouping
- Smooth mouse slide effects
- Lookup indicator for instant lookup in alphabet
- Support for Item groups with splitter between items
- Detail control per item or global detail control with animation to show detail
- All elements feature sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills with optional opacity control
- Built-in support for using BMP,JPEG,GIF and PNG images with alpha transparency
- Anti-aliased drawing
- Data-aware version included
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler

- Optional background, thumbnail and placeholder fill
- Different animation modes from a simple right to left animation to a checkboard and spinning animation
- Optional Automatic rotation
- Optional thumbnails for visual navigation with different positions
- Aspect ratio or stretched images
- Full keyboard and mouse navigation
- Different item kinds with Windows Shell Preview (Delphi/C++ 2010 only), Text, Text and Image Controls and Custom drawing
- Control support to paint and host controls
- Custom drawing on items
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style
- Compatible with TMS TAdvFormStyler / TAdvAppStyler
- Hints on thumbs
- Optional description with transparent fill on Mouse hover
- Floating thumbs
- Easy to use Fullscreen view
- Support for BMP,JPEG,GIF,PNG,EMF images

- Complex gradients with full opacity control
- Customizable capacity items
- Adjustable total capacity
- Automatic calculation of free capacity
- Different optional color gradient appearance for each capacity item
- Optional and fully customizable legend

- Complex gradients with opacity
- Customizable buttons in header and footer
- Header and footer caption
- Different popup directions
- Configurable shadow
- Configurable to display at 12 different location wrt a control
- Popup can show/hide with optional fade-in/fade-out animation effect
- Support to host any control as well as frames
- Support for GDIPPictureContainer and ImageList

- Complex gradients with opacity
- Predefined shapes and ability for custom shapes
- Custom drawing
- 3 step states: Inactive, Active and Processed
- Different appearances for each step state
- Ability to define amount of visible steps
- ImageList and GDI+ PictureContainer support
- Support for HTML formatted text for each step Description
- Keyboard support and mouse handling
- Programmatic interaction
- Built-in color settings for Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016 styles as well as Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10 and Metro style

- Smoothly animated image thumbnail list & picker
- Automatic background thread loading for high performance
- Automatic thumbnail creation for minimal memory usage
- Listbox items can have HTML formatted Caption text with hyperlink & image support
- Listbox items can have images with zooming capability.
- Listbox items can be arranged in columns or in rows with keyboard & mouse animated scrolling
- Default image can be used to be displayed in case of unloaded images.
- Fully customizable item appearance with text and image properties.
- Header & footer with sophisticated fills and image support.
- Keyboard lookup support.
- Smooth mouse slide effects.
- Support for Item groups with splitter between items that can be expanded & collapsed
- Support for custom top layer items to enhance to look and feel.
- Different thread loading modes to change the way the images are loading.
- All elements feature sophisticated gradient, texture, hatch fills with optional opacity control.
- Built-in support for using ICO, BMP, JPEG, GIF, ICO, TIF, PNG images with alpha transparency.
- Anti-aliased drawing.
- TMS TAdvFormStyler compatible for instant switching between Office 2003 / Office 2007 / Office 2010 / Office 2013 / Office 2016 styles.
- Data-aware version included

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Note that the TMS VCL UI Pack replaces the TMS Component Pack. Both products can't be installed simultaneously. Therefore TMS Component Pack must first be uninstalled before installing the TMS VCL UI Pack