Subscription Manager and SVN (or other)

Does any use the Subscription manager as well as SVN (or other version control system).

Currently all my projects are in SVN, but the TMS Libraries are not. So I have essentially blank commits when I update the TMS version. I also have a couple of modification I need to make to TMS code that I need to remember to redo every update.

I also really have no nice way to roll back a TMS version if it goes badly (I don't trust windows file history that much).

I would like a better solution to this but I can't quite see how to do it, any suggestions?

I think I need to make the TMS stuff a vendor branch, but if someone has already figured out a sensible solution I would like to hear about it.


Our TMS Subscription Manager is not SVN based and does not use SVN. The installer is needed to perform the compilation & installation of the compiled sources on the Delphi + C++Builder IDEs found on the machine. So, if you want to put this into SVN, you'd need to map an SVN repository on the TMS product install folder where it installs the source code.